In life few things are more feared then rejection. It ranks up there with fear of public speaking, heights, spiders and other numerous things that go bump in the night for the human psyche.
Now I like anything that says take action against these fears, it's a mode of operation for me. I fear it, I will fucking conquer it. Enter rejection therapy, something I find utterly fascinating.
It's basically a game you play with yourself. You resolve to do something to get rejected once a day. The end result being you conquer your fear of rejection. There are cards, apps, etc to give you a jumping off point on things to do daily to get rejected. I would say just go into sales and your rejection card will get filled up real fast, but I guess that misses the point or something. ;)
There is a guy on Youtube that is covering his journey through this form of therapy. The results are hilarious, enlightening, and show a glimpse of humanity doing what humanity does.
Now I was wondering other people's thoughts on this. Have you ever tried something like this yourself?
I have in the past, but I did it for different reasons.