am the center of my own universe. Another individual, a cause, an idea does not get that honor, just me. I am the one I have to answer to, I am the one who will have to live with the decision. At the end of the day, it's just me. I have the answers, I have to live with the consequences.
As a mother and wife this is a really, really, tough idea to grasp. I am told by society, my parents, my own psyche at times to put everything above me. When a child is newborn it makes sense. You have to give alot of yourself to have an infant survive those first few months. What happens afterwards?
Most people have something they serve. I don't. I have children and they do get the lion's share, but they are not the center of my universe. I am married but my husband doesn't get the honor. Anything I do for them ultimately serves my own purpose. I want them in my life. I genuinely want them to be around, I love them.
My father posed a question to me and it brought this idea home. "If you had to choose between your spiritual journey and your family. What would you choose?" I told him, "I would choose myself. The journey I'm on is to discover who I really am." My dad proceeded to explain that's where his failure lies. He put my mother above who he really was. He served her. The result was a broken home and alot of wasted time. He told me you find the message everywhere. Put yourself first. Be your own God.
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