Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fighting Back 3: Needs

A human being needs three things to live: food, water and shelter. That's it. Western society does a funny thing to it's citizens. It creates a false set of needs, while obscuring those three basics. They are assumed to be there rather than needing to be worked for. This ultimately makes the people who inhabit this society weak, completely dependent upon the "system" to provide these three basics. It's the ultimate in slavery, forced dependency for those three things.

We perceive needs from a false perspective most of the time. We NEED the latest gadget. We NEED the latest fashion item. We NEED to go to that concert. We NEED e;ectricity. The list goen on forever. Consumerism is not a need. It's a series of wants, wrapped up in what is societally acceptable. The comfort Western society gives it's citizens is an anomaly. The truth is that comfort, the delusion that the way we live is normal, is the biggest causal abstraction of all.

If it all goes away tommorrow, most Westerners are fucked. How may people actually know how to provide those basic needs without them being "piped in" ir store bought? Can you produce your own food? Make your own shelter? Find usable water?

These are the questions that have filled my mind for a while now. They are a piece of the road that led to Satanism. Society is categorically fucked, I hate my own dependency on it. I have small children, my own Aeonic legacy to maintain and protect. How can I protect them from the inevitable? How do I ensure that they survive? How do I teach them to survive, when I was never taught?

This is a main part of my praxis and becomes moreso everyday. Fuck esoteric knowledge and thinking deep, free thoughts. I need to learn how to sew, how to weave, how to quilt. I need to be able to make clothing if necessary. I have to learn how to defend myself and my children. I need to know how to hunt, how to farm, how to dig a well, how to make weapons.

I spent the day Friday learning to make ammunition. I was both terrified I would blow myself up and excited to use my own hand made bullets. Most peopole don't see this kinda shit as Satanic. To me, it's the most important part. How is an individual going to drop those societal memes, while knowing in the back of their heads, they are absolutely dependant on it for survival?

I want to know that when the shit hits the fan I'm prepared. To lose my dependency on somrthing that doesn't really exist and is well..... doomed. Most importantly I have to teach my children the same, to be self reliant. This is my current "place" for what it's worth (Beast did ask, so here it is). Preparing to fight back, before it's to late. Becoming a Lioness, instead of a sheep ready for slaughter.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Does Satan as a Symbolic Construct Matter?

There was a thread at SIN that brought this up. Basically somebody said that if you don't use Satan you are a "mean atheist." Now I do disagree with this statement. Be

I feel Satanism is a verb, an action. That rather than serving an archetype a Satanist should embody that archetyoe. Rather than a religion, with all those constructs attached that Satanism is the at of BE~coming Satan. To guestion society and it's constructs, to live in dire,t opposition to those ideals that all of us were force fed from birth.

I have never had much use for the classic Devil beyond what I have stated. Nor have I ever questioned my Satanity.. I use Dark Goddesses mostly. The ones who sit in direct opposition to a male high God typically. All of my ritual work is based upon tricking my brain into deciding I am that Goddess incarnated in a human body and it works for me.

So the question is does Satan ad a symbolic construct matter beyond,embodying that ideal?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


When it comes to self evolution, progression is the law. How does one acicurately gauge their own progression? Avoid the pitfalls of pretentiousness d, self deceit, and a low self image. It's easy to pick up bits and pieces from ohters. Creating your own,vector of Satanism, that's hard. Every time I put forth my own personal vector I am unsure. I don't want to pulish it, I don't want tosh share.

However,it is time. I am a unique voice in the LHP. I need to join,that chorus of creators. So, stay tuned to this spot. Less introspection and ,more creation is coming.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Is honor a code someone subscribes to? Or is it something innate, something descriptive? By following a code of honor, does one submit to something higher than oneself?

I was not raised in a culture that perpetuates the idea of honor. I wasn't raised in a household that set honor as a standard to uphold. The opposite is the case actually. I was raised in an every person for themselves manner. Depend on nobody, they will eventually fuck you over, is my mother's matra (she says this while leeching of everyone around her, but I digress).

So, I have been memetically programmed from birth to be honorless. Then I discovered Individuality without a purpose, oops I mean Modern Satanism. ;) Most people that call themselves Satanists have no honor, no real sense of personal responsibility, no real class to how they act. Anybody who defends their brethren, is ruled a pack member or a sheep. Anybody who admits they are deeply inspired by another is following them, a groupie or a fan girl.

When I first posted at SIN I was honest about how I felt about certain posters here. I had no concept of who was a "Big Dog" and who wasn't. I immediately clicked with Mr. Dread and a few others. This unique handful of people shaped my thinking, made me realize I wasn't comepletely alone. That my aching loneliness, the knowlegde that I was different than most, could hurt a little less. I was happy and most importantly, I was applying what I was learning to my life.

Then it happened. The others got to me. I was constantly being told that I bowed, that I submitted, that I was a follower or some kind of cyber whore. It got to me. Is it true, am I a groupie? Is my friendship with people affecting how I view their work? Is the only reason anyone reads my work is because I'm an attractive woman? Are these individuals that compliment my mind, really just trying to get in my pants? Am I weak? And on and on and on. I had no doubt, until I starting caring what the larger collective thought. Then I was filled with it, choking on the idea that these assholes were right. Questioning every post I ever wrote.

So, I changed my approach. I became an individual without a purpose. A parody of a woman screaming "RESPECT ME, I'm more than just a body. I have a brain to!!!!" It nauseates me now to think about. Now that I realize by pulling this shit, I was actually submitting to a collective, the Super Serial Individual Collective, LOL.

Then the "ONA Wave" happened. Even more shocking for me, Mr. Dread went ONA. I had a tough question to ask myself. If every damn person you resonate with is ONA what are you? Might want to look into that, duh. Then I read a post over at WSA352. and it was using Martial Arts as an analogy of why they are ONA. Basically, if your Sensei is practicing one form of Martial Arts, you tip your hat to it. It's about Honor and respect (really bad paraphrase).

A realization slapped me in the face at that moment. You are honorless bitch FS. if you don't do the same, you have no honor. If you don't tip your hat to those people who took the time and attention to help improve your form, you are an honorless dog. Fuck the collective of Mundanes without a purpose. You have always "done" Satanism. "I learn more by doind and interacting, than reading" is your own personal tagline. You say it so much, you should just tattoo it to your forehead. So, you are also ONA, Mr. Dread, Mindfux, WSA352, and that handful of others, deserve that much respect from you.

Ironically enough, since making this decision, my growth has been GINORMOUS. I have gained the respect of some individuals that are well, amazing. I still fail, I still struggle at times, but I am not getting "stuck" as often. I no longer care what the Mundane Collective thinks. I am happier, more certain of my own path. I discovered Honor, something that I have always had but never fully understood. It's not a herd mentality to admit that someone has helped you, or inspired you. It's honorable, it's respectful and most importantly, it's true for all of us.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Respect. One word with so many ramifications, implications, definitions and on occasion speculation attached to it. I was reading threads on here and saw how often this word comes up. Just how heated a conflict can become when someone voices disrespect of another. Most of the time, the word respect is used as a Satanic version of I like you. I am guilty of this myself.

As I was reading these threads I came across a glaring personal flaw. I have, in the past used the word respect in ways that make it trite, meaningless, and as a platitude to appease someone else's ego. See, my personal biggest societal meme is egalitarianism. I have been and continue to work on this weird PC egalitarian meme I carry around. My last couple of blogs have been that particular mouse roaring as it were. I hate hurting someone's feelings, I hate watching other people hurt and so many people are emotionally connected to their ideas. So, I have used this word, respect according to a weird, everyone's opinion is right manner. Honestly after reading these threads and due to some IRL "doing" of Satanism I am disgusted with myself and my former use of this word.

Why does it disgust me? It's an intellectuall dishonest statement borne out of a weird pity I feel for people that are weak (I know, I know). It makes my use of the term respect meaningloess. It is disrespectful to the few people that have earned and deserve my "true" respect. The people I personally feel are front runners progressing the Satanic current forward. I have effectively slapped all of them in the face with my white washing of the term respect. It is dishonrable to those individuals and makes me look weak and bleh, New Agey. When I say, "I respect you" it should have a real meaning attached to it.

Due to my own meaningless interpretation of the word respect (which is a manifestation of my former Egalitarian infection), I have made another critical error. I have assumed others use the term as I do. So when someone has told me they respect me, I have viewed it as a Satanic version of I like you. Personal projection is a bitch on occasion.

The truth is if you respect everyone and everything, you respect nobody and nothing. Not even yourself. As I have examined this, I've realized my former PC, societal version of respect has been a form of self deceit. A way to appease others or make them feel better. It's never been true, it's waht I've said (or written) but not how I felt.

To the few people that I genuinely respect (and I think they know who they are), I am truly sorry. To the people that have paid me this high compliment I am truly sorry. I didn't get it before, but I do now. I will now use this term appropriately. I am past the whole egalitarian, PC thing at this point (finally), it has been washed away through "doing" Satanism (and it sucks to be honest, my whole worldview just got A LOT darker).

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Beautiful Humanity?

I did a blog where I said humanity was beautiful and got ripped a new one. I found most of the posts to be thought provoking and intelligent as always. It made me ask the question: Why did I say humanity was beautiful? What do I mean when I say that? Well, I do find humanity beautiful, largely because they are horrible (little Parson's reference for you).

Beauty is a subjective idea at it's best. What one person finds beautiful another person finds gross, objectionable, offensive, horrible, etc. Satanism is a great example of this. I would use the term beautiful for that antimonian, heterodox, school of thought. The visceral and occasionally volatile nature of it's true adherents I find fascinating.

Humanity has always had an indomitable will as a whole I find fascinating. A willingness to step on anyone or anything that gets in their way to achieving MORE. It is a bloody, vicious, nasty species. An upright walking, intelligent (in some cases semi intelligent), predator. Possibly the most vicious in existence. That is True Beauty in my opinion.

So, I do agree with the post that Mindufux wrote (honestly I LOVE it), I agree with all the naysayers on the "beauty of humanity." I just happen to find humanity beautiful, for their true nature, their potential.


P.S. Remember, I also wrote humans are monsters. ;)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Reading ONA MSS Thoughts....

So, I've really started reading this shit. Temple of THEM, Numinious Way, 7FSW, WSA352, etc (part of what I've been off doing).

Now, I personally LOOOOVVVEEEE The Numinious Way. It's my personal favorite, along with WSA352 and their material. It is more "in tune" with my own personal leanings. Now, all of this reading has led me to a question, so I thought I would share. :)

Why do you oppose the "Magian"? Is it for hate or love? Now hate and love are eternally bound together due to the fact that they are opposites according to most. I believe both hate and love are different extremities of the same emotion (I think it was Mr. Dread who said the opposite of love is apathy not hate. Makes sense). This is the most extreme emotions go.

Now, some people oppose for hate. The blood on their hands. For me, it's a fundamental love of the species of humanity. For a species that has managed what it has. The fact that society oppresses this beautiful's species natural inclinations disgusts me.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Few Random Thoughts....

What absolutely kills me, is when someone has done something stupid and then does it OVER and OVER and OVER again. Then when that wrong is pointed out, they take the infallible position. That it was either something or someone else who wronged them. The universe is out to get them, etc. Really amuses me.

Do I have failures and shortcomings in my life? Do I sometimes fail and fail badly. Oh yeah!! I just recently was attempting to complete a physical fitness challenge and broke my foot. That makes me a failure actually. The universe wasn't out to get me, I didn't whine and moan about my failure (which I am pissed about to be honest). See, in my head I am a SuperWarrior. Think Buffy, Salt, Xena Warrior Princess, etc. Now, I know it's not true, it's my motivator. It's my aspiration. To discover I am just a 32 year old mortal woman that can break a bone was humbling. I had to learn to FAIL and FAIL big.

I view the previous example as a good example of what a real failure is, not that you quit (that's quitting difference). You can't, no matter the circumstances, complete the act. It is a humbling experience to realize you can fail, you will fail. I think the most important thing is to not whine, piss and moan, but move on to something else. Be  HONEST with yourself.