A human being needs three things to live: food, water and shelter. That's it. Western society does a funny thing to it's citizens. It creates a false set of needs, while obscuring those three basics. They are assumed to be there rather than needing to be worked for. This ultimately makes the people who inhabit this society weak, completely dependent upon the "system" to provide these three basics. It's the ultimate in slavery, forced dependency for those three things.
We perceive needs from a false perspective most of the time. We NEED the latest gadget. We NEED the latest fashion item. We NEED to go to that concert. We NEED e;ectricity. The list goen on forever. Consumerism is not a need. It's a series of wants, wrapped up in what is societally acceptable. The comfort Western society gives it's citizens is an anomaly. The truth is that comfort, the delusion that the way we live is normal, is the biggest causal abstraction of all.
If it all goes away tommorrow, most Westerners are fucked. How may people actually know how to provide those basic needs without them being "piped in" ir store bought? Can you produce your own food? Make your own shelter? Find usable water?
These are the questions that have filled my mind for a while now. They are a piece of the road that led to Satanism. Society is categorically fucked, I hate my own dependency on it. I have small children, my own Aeonic legacy to maintain and protect. How can I protect them from the inevitable? How do I ensure that they survive? How do I teach them to survive, when I was never taught?
This is a main part of my praxis and becomes moreso everyday. Fuck esoteric knowledge and thinking deep, free thoughts. I need to learn how to sew, how to weave, how to quilt. I need to be able to make clothing if necessary. I have to learn how to defend myself and my children. I need to know how to hunt, how to farm, how to dig a well, how to make weapons.
I spent the day Friday learning to make ammunition. I was both terrified I would blow myself up and excited to use my own hand made bullets. Most peopole don't see this kinda shit as Satanic. To me, it's the most important part. How is an individual going to drop those societal memes, while knowing in the back of their heads, they are absolutely dependant on it for survival?
I want to know that when the shit hits the fan I'm prepared. To lose my dependency on somrthing that doesn't really exist and is well..... doomed. Most importantly I have to teach my children the same, to be self reliant. This is my current "place" for what it's worth (Beast did ask, so here it is). Preparing to fight back, before it's to late. Becoming a Lioness, instead of a sheep ready for slaughter.
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