Lots of us go on and on about us and them, The Matrix, Sleepers or being truly awake. Lots of ways to say that the system and the culture that surrounds is ultimately working to force conformity, to force compliance. To make a mass produced, plastic people distracted by gadgets.
Now I have read lots of ways to Fight Back, to do something. What I rarely see is the fact that most of us stay tied in and connected to this thing due to dependency, due to the fact that most of us can't provide the most basic building blocks of life for ourselves.
If you can't defend yourself, you need the Law and Law Enforcement to protect you.
If you can't make your own clothing, you have to depend on clothing stores.
If you can't produce your own food, you can't feed yourself without a grocery store.
Pretty basic shit and scary too. When I look at American Culture and the Archetypes of Women that exists the one that sticks out is the 1950's housewife. She could do things that are no longer considered relevant in today's society. She could sew. She could garden. She could cook.
With a loss of relevancy to what has been considered woman's work, there are now several generations even more dependent than before. Women that can claim the ability to balance a spread sheet but can't cook a simple meal or sew a button. Women who hail their freedom to vote, to work, to have casual sex, but they couldn't survive without all of their basic needs met by something else.
I am desperate to KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that I could provide these basic things for myself. Food, water and shelter. I work towards it constantly. Whether its trying to be in better shape (fighting shape Goddammit. This is the year!! ), learning to sew, garden, hunt, whatever I can think of.
For me, it has everything to do with the first part of this blog. That status quo thing that robs everyone of any free thought, in favor of distraction, that instructs to ask no questions. I want to be freer of it (I think actual freedom is impossible) .
The moment I know I can do one little thing, that I don't have to get from that, I feel just a bit less dependant, just a bit less vulnerable, just a little bit freer.
I think for most of us, it's the dependency, that keeps us shackled and chugging along for that machine. Dependency, is not knowing you can provide those basic building blocks of life for yourself.
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