Sunday, May 20, 2012

Happy Piss Off Muslims Day

Fun times. In an era of Political Correctness and the concept of Egalitarian, everyone is equal bullshit a real enemy rose up and actually struck The West. Now I know, I know the common argument. The US started it, the US deserved it, blah, blah, blah, horseshit. My loyalty lies no more with the US, The West, etc as it does with Islam. My loyalty is to well.... me. It's an important distinction and one that needs to be made. When I look around me I see a lot of people that are pretty fucking opposite of what I stand for, what I believe in. But most are to pussy assed to actually kill me. Christianity is a joke. What are The Pagans gonna do say Blessed Be? Islam is different. It's more than just a Religion. It is a mental infection that colors the view of its adherents on everything from Law, to relations between the sexes, to Fashion, to the education of their children.
And the underlying principle behind the text is simple from having read it: Kill FS, kill anybody like FS, kill FS' children, kill FS' husband, terrorize and lie to the Government of the land FS lives in. Ever read the koran? I am the poster child of an Infidel. Any loud, proud, independent American Woman is. Page after page of reasons I should die, reasons I am unclean, reasons I should be stoned, beheaded, lied to, etc. And these people actually have the balls to back that shit up.
So, I have a pretty extremist view here but there is a reasoning behind it. The stage is being set for WW3. The main catalyst has been the Middle East, especially in regards to War and the fighting the US is doing. Now, any other time there has been a War and of that proportion, the 'citizens' begin to hate the other side. Lots of reasons for this, propaganda and such, but the citizens HATE them, they represent everything they are not. The long lasting hatred of Nazis, for example, reflects this. Now I am an US citizen. My enemy and the big one to come is easily defined by a few things, one being their Religious preference. So yeah I hate them, I want them all dead, I want their Religion to be made illegal, yada yada yada. I doubt US citizens were talking up the Nazis or saying that Nazis had every right to practice National Socialism in the US during WW2.
So why would I do that or even contemplate having a let them do what they want attitude when my Country is at War, and when I as a person represent everything they hate and want to destroy? The main reason for all this is me. They win, I die. I am to 'opposite' of what women are forced to be in the Middle East for me to survive them winning. Fuck 'em and fuck respected their right to push that bullshit here. Fuck Allah, fuck the Koran, Fuck Mohammad, Fuck Sharia Law.

1 comment:

  1. Typical posts from an ignorant red neck woman who throws up over her children.
