I wrote part of this out for a New Age site when I was arguing the fact that Good and Evil don't truly exist. In my opinion it was some of my best work, so I'm sharing. I will warn people that I draw a direct correlation between humanity and God (biblical and otherwise) within the essay, so don't think I went Anti Christianity or became a Theist all of the sudden. ;)
Okay simply put you are wrong if you think humanity is inherently good. How could you even draw that conclusion from ANY school of thought.? Have you ever read a history book? Humans are monsters, just as the Gods of old are. After all, our species is the basis for those psychological projections.
Humanity has moved to the top of the food chain because of our monsterous nature. Historically, humans will eat each other unless authority tells them not to, for fucks sake. There is historical evidence that in the area where the Egyptian empire once stood, the tribes that ran there were cannibalistic until Ptah came along. I'm no expert in Egyptian history, but considering the fact that the man that was the basis for Amon most likely, had to conquer those tribes and then say, "Hey dumbasses, quit eating each other." Shows me just how bloodthirsty out species truly is. It's only ONE example.
Odin demanded blood and human sacrifice. They have found trees were they hung the prisoners sacrificed to him. Not to mention the whole "Wicker Man" idea. Taking a bunch of people, putting them in a huge structure shaped like a man, and then setting it on fire for a religious rite. You can get fucking bent, if you are gonna come at me with the "they were criminals bullshit." It doesn't matter. Society creates criminality, by establishing laws.
Then there is Jehovah. In the bible, The Old Testament specifically, he asks for animal sacrifice, and at times human sacrifice. The story of Aaron always stuck out to me. A good man, and God's high Priest. There's a story that Aaron gave ALL of his portion of the spoils of War to orphans because God forgot about them. This same guy is toasted by God to show the people that they need to listen to what he says. Did Aaron deserve it? Hell no. He's a good man. Jehovah's total death rate biblically is anywhere from 25 million to 3 billion.
From a biblical perspective humans are made in God's image. Look at the God and then really look around you. You may as well be a vampire, feasting on everyone's life blood around you. Our society is built on the blood of the Native Americans, on humanity's fundamental need and want to conquer, to crush others that are less than them. The atomic bomb could literally destroy ALL LIFE ON EARTH. It's humanity's creation.
A real world example is my sister's son. She went to the bathroom and heard her youngest son screaming hysterically. Came in the living room and her two year old was beating the 6 month old on the head with a jack in the box. Blood was everywhere. The kid broke the babies nose. Why would a two year old do that? Had he seen somebody do that? No. It was his instinctual nature to destroy what was smaller than him, what he viewed as a threat to his wants.
Humans war, we ENJOY IT, humans kill, we ENJOY IT, Humans crush those that are less than then them, we ENJOY IT. To say that humans are kind and good fails to take the fundamental need and want to kill others into account. Have you ever eaten meat? You're a killer than. Period.
You think that when the "New Age" manifests this will change and we will all join hands and sing kumbaya. Bullshit. When society goes, this species will be back to eating each other for pleasure, killing for fun, raping women and children in the streets, and in generally being as monsterous as we truly are. Grow the fuck up and quit reading Scott Cunningham. It's a lie. As an occultist, you are supposed to embrace your true nature, not fall to delusion.
At least Satanism admits it. ONA uses culling to illustrate this and to keep it "fluffly", Anton LaVey said, "Satan represents, Man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all fours, who, because of his "divine spiritual and intellectual development," has become the most vicious animal of all." I personally revel in the knowledge that I am a monster. It makes me feel powerful. ;)
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