Okay, so I got a bit of a beatdown in SIN chat yesterday. This was over my acceptance, tolerance, etc. of Christianity and other schools of thought. This was followed by me attempting to get my Qabalist husband to agree with me, and getting the exact OPPOSITE of that. He agrees with the individual who gave the beatdown. Anyhoo, here goes (I wound up tape recording my husband about halfway through, his beatdown)......
"FS, the issue is simple. You tell me all the time that Satanism is about opposing society, it values, etc. FULLY, is that not correct?" -Set (the asshole)
"Yes, but I don't hate people that believe differently, I see wisdom in everything."-Me
"You are full of shit. This is my issue with Satanism in general. It's wishy washy. The people who say they are Satanists and oppose society base their philsophical leanings on the idea that they should be accepted and tolerated and then spread that idea. You're personal philsophy has no teeth."- Set (the asshole)
"I DO have teeth. My philosophy has teeth. I just don't hate everybody and I don't feel Christianity is responsible for all the ills in the World." -Me
"Again, you are WRONG. The idea that all men are equal, all religions are equal, is responsible for how fucked up society is. It has oppressed women historically. It has taught tolerance and acceptance of all the things you claim to hate and oppose. You told me that you think the dichotomy breaks down into all things that are societal are represented by God. That all things that are not part of society, profane, or considered ugly are represented by Satan. Is that not correct?"- Set (the asshole)
"Yes."- Me.
"You sound like someone who has taken political correctness and mashed it into a philosophy that represents the opposite of that ideal. Some are stronger, some are weaker. I read Might is Right, Goddammit. You accept gay people's right to marry, that all races are equal, that men and women are equal, and now that Satanists and people of all other religions are equal in their philosophical ideas?" - Set (the asshole).
"No, it's not that I just think that everyone is allowed a choice and that should be made with freewill. That all people have a right to believe what ever they want." Me.
"You sound like a New Ager. I don't think like that. I think that my belief system is 100% absolutely correct. That it is superior to all other Religions. That I am right, with an absolute conviction. I also think you're belief system is completely wrong, and I can't stand it. I love you, not your philosophy. I have made that the "untouchable subject" for that reason. You are wishy washy." Set (the asshole).
"So you are telling me that you think I have only gone halfway here? That I am to tolerant?" -Me
"Yes, beyond that you pick up these people that don't think like you do like lost little sheep. You defend them. You are a popular Satanist. That is another issue. You should be unpopular, you should be hated. You should not be cowtowing to the most common denominator. You are afraid to be true to who you are. I live with you. You aren't like that, not really. You post like that, you put that face on for your adoring public. You are afraid of conflict, while claiming to like it. You are a hypocrite." Set (the asshole)
"I am not a hypocrite. I am a tolerant person." Me
"Let me put it this way. You may as well paint your Satanism pink. You say it should exist in the shadows. You say it should be hard, difficult, and not for the masses. As long as you keep your, I love everyone and everybody is equal mentality, you are part of the problem. You need to reassess. NOW." Set (the asshole)
"I hate you. I really, really do. I am not ready for this particular paradigm shift. I don't want to see the World in this light."-Me
"Thing is, you already do. You know that you're philosophy is superior to all others. You know you are supposed to fight back. You know all of this, but you don't want to do accept it. You are hiding from the truth. All people should have conviction in what they believe. Be willing to fight and die for it. That's how people of all faiths should be. If you're not, you are weak philosophically or Religiously in my case. Have the fucking paradigm shift, or go back to being a Wiccan. If I was a Satanist, I would hate you for watering down my philosophy. I would view you as the enemy." Set (the asshole).
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Me
"No, I bet that's how all of those motherfuckers you run with really see you, but won't come out and say it. You are either going to move to a place of total and complete conviction in Satanism or be the next Venus Satanas. Figure it out. You need to pull the fucking trigger here, to use your own terms. To hell with the consequences." Set (the asshole)
"You're right, you're all right. Motherfucking assholes. I need to pull the trigger here." Me.
"Then pull it already. I would have more respect for you if you did. This is what those motherfuckers mean when they say you have the substance, but your form needs work. Absolute conviction." Set (the asshole)
So, the Qabalist agrees with the Satanist and the weakest part of my own personal paradigm has been identified. *sighs*
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