I want to talk about the lolapalooza that is the average Modern Satinist attack against "Niners " in general. Keeps happening lately. ;)
The insult thrown out the most is, "I am an Individual and bow and follow nobody. " This is always followed by laughable insults of a personal nature, accusations of being a fan girl or boy, or hanging off someone's nuts.
Now, the Individuality argument always fails because these people that throw out the Individuality, I am a wolf among the herd bullshit, always tow "the herd's " line. They are against violence. They are against Racism, Anarchism, Nazism and a host of things that the largest collective in the World subscribes to, the very essence of the Magian made manifest in an individual's psyche.
I don't know a single individual, regardless of their leanings, that would say "Yep, I am a sheep, following a herd." Every one of those sheep, feel they are making their own choices. Every one of those sheep feel they are individualist.
See, part of the trick the system offers is the Perception of Choice. Basically, all of are told, "Choose whatever you want to be. There's nobody controlling you. " It's a lie. I have kids and I let them choose what to eat on occasion. I give them three or four choices and let them pick from them. Last night, my son got me on this one. He said, "My choice?" I said yes. He said, "I want chocolate cake for dinner. " I said, "That's not a choice available. "
That's the essence of what the system does. It lays out a few options and let's you choose from them, while hiding the existence of Chocolate Cake.
So, you have a whole group of people that claim to be Satanists, while towing the party line. Saying things like, "I don't oppose the system, I want to manipulate it and than become it." Um, yeah that's another lie the system tells. Do this set of things and you'll "Master the System." No, you'll be a more willing slave.
I read something about the Civil War, that said House Niggers were less likely to run from their Masters. There was an account of a maid that even after the War, being set free and all that, she refused to leave the family that owned her. Worked for them until she died.
That's who you become if you decide to go that route. You become the type who feels superior to other slaves and free, but you're more bound than a "lesser " slave is. That's all most Satinists are. People who have decided they can or will dominate the System. When the reality is, they never ask for chocolate cake, they don't even know it exists.
I want cake, most "Niners " I know want cake. That's the thing, most of the things that get the, "Oh My God, the ONA is Evil RUN!!!", reaction are the real Devils of today. Even the idea of a Kollective or collaboration hits that note of fear with Satinists.
Why? They know, way deep down they are sheep. They know they are chained and enslaved, I believe everybody does deep down. The thing that always struck me about the movie The Matrix, was how you never notice how fake the simulated world looks, until Neo goes back in. The second (and every other time) time I watched The Matrix, I noticed all kinds of fakeness, from the very start of the movie.
So, they know, it whispers in the back of their minds "I am a willing slave. " This is why they fight so hard against anything that truly opposes society and the status quo, that's why the thought of being part of a collective scares them. Anything truly heretical is "to far."
It's my biggest beef with Modern Satanism. When I decided to go online, I expected to get offended, I expected to be manipulated, I expected to get used, talked shit about when I wasn't around, etc. I did not expect Satanists to be politically correct. I did not think Satanists would run screaming from ideas that are truly radical, heretical, gross and profane.
Isn't that why the label is Satanism and not called Super Serial Individualism? Because Satan represents what people fear, what they hate and despise. So, the individuals taking that label on become feared, hated and despised.
I can always tell a real Satanist from a Satinist in a fundamental way. A "true" Satanists sets off my fight or fly instinct instantly. They make me feel a touch of fear as soon as I read what they wrote or see them face to face. I never lose that entirely, I am always a touch scared, while being intrigued and interested at the same time. It's instinctual.
The funniest part of all, is ONA uses these heretical forms people want to claim to be Satanists run from, in order to create Individuals. Not the Magian bullshit version, but people who have truly made their own choices. They have crossed their mental lines, transgressed society's norms and are in an active process of learning who they really are, freeing themselves of Causal abstractions, while choosing their own. The ONA is breeding individuals who are true Individuals, who understand that collaboration is critical. Everyone seeks their own kind out, socialization is a fundamental human need. Collaboration is necessary for the System, and the Enemy to be toppled once and for all.
So keep misunderstanding, keep talking shit. You just show your level of ignorance, your lack of understanding of fundamentals of human nature.
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