Americans are blessed right? Our populace and it's children have access to free schooling. This is something that people in other countries would kill for, their children being taught how to read and write. I had a Muslim friend in Grade School and one of the reasons her family moved to the US was to enable his daughters to have an education.
This is an assumed right by the majority of American people. It's been instilled in all of us that we are entitled to an Education and that it must fit a "standard" of some kind.
The issue with this is multi fold as far as I am concerned. I always question my children being forced to go to an institution. And schooling of some kind is forced on the populace. There are laws if your kids don't go. Another example of this standard is my husband. He graduated from a private school system, gets out, tries to apply for college and finds out his Highschool was not accredited and so his education doesn't count. Wtf?
Now beyond all this is what the public school system does. It teaches children to be compliant, docile and accepting of what society says is correct. A few examples.
My children have to wear uniforms. Why? To reduce bullying, gang fights (high school dealio), etc. Now all I see is not allowing a child to express themselves and a silent message that they are part of a mass and not an individual. My daughter said to me once, "I can't tell anybody apart." Bam, the realization that this is a form of forced conformity.
Then there are school supplies. They don't get bought by the parent here. You give the school system a certain amount of money and the school supplies are provided. Why? As a teacher told me once they don't want any kids to "stick out " for having something different or their parents not being able to afford them. So I also pay for the poor kids as well apparently, lol. I grew up po' (southern word, means DIRT POOR or you so po' you can't afford dirt. ), but I got school supplies.
Beyond that you have the anti bullying, zero tolerance violence, and other policies in place furthering this status quo, politically correct ideals. This is the school's
culture. You can be kicked out of your school, taken away from your friends, if you hit a kid back. Think about what mental programming that puts in a five year old's head. I CAN'T hit back or I lose things I love /like.
And that's my issue. How do I send my children to an institution that doesn't allow them to express themselves as individuals? Or forces them to learn to not fight back when being attacked? Or tells them what to think?
And I see it when they come home. When they say things like "but you NEVER hit." Bullshit. When they say that "the white men killed all the Indians to take their land. " When they say they love everybody in the whole world.
They are being forced to conform. They are being forced to agree. They are being forced to be docile. They are being forced to believe the government is good and has their best interests at heart.
I am their Mother. I am supposed to protect them. Does that not also mean waking up and saying "Hey!! You don't get to make my kids drones."? Does it not mean I have to figure out a way to take back my children's education from the very thing I hate.
So I supplement as best I can. I tell them to question it. That maybe their teacher isn't right. However, there is more I can do. And it's my goal in regards to this issue. To find a way to educate my children myself. To get them away from that drone creating factory called the public school system.
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