Fuck me I am tired of hearing this phrase.
Why do you want to meet like minded individuals? Do you really think every goddamn idea in your head is that fucking good? Do you really want to meet a bunch of people who bob their head in agreement every time you have a fucking brain fart and spew it out on the internet?
See, I don't really seek like minded individuals. I seek people that are frustratingly different than me in mindset. I seek people that challenge what I think, that make me question all of those grand fucking ideas I have in my head.
I am wrong and I am wrong a lot. I don't have everything figured out. I don't pretend to have everything figured out. I haven't had every experience, I haven't drank from every cup of knowledge in existence and that leads me to seek out other who may know something that I don't.
Conflict breeds growth. People challenging you breeds growth, especially if you approach it with the right mindset. Some are going to be idiotic fucking tools, but not all of them are. You may even learn something about yourself from the ones that are idiotic fucking tools.
The thing I do seek in a 'like minded individuals' manner, is people that view conflict the way I do.
Now that you've joined this forum and made your trite, bland and heavily recycled intro post saying that you want to meet like minded individuals, what are you going to do when you come across someone who isn't like minded? What are you going to do when someone says one of your oh so brilliant ideas is shit?
I like to call these type of people "bobbleheads" because they are looking for others that agree with them on every subject and never challenge the person on any given level. I see these type everywhere whether it is those people in the pews screaming "AMEN" to every word out of the preachers mouth or those on SIN with their "hail satan."
ReplyDeleteYou said it best FS, "conflict breeds growth" and that is in every aspect of life whether it be seeking knowledge(truth) or getting into shape physically ect,ect.
I admire your spirit, but I think you're full of crap.
ReplyDeleteFull of crap is not a critique. Keep trying anonymous, lol.