I don't want to do this, I really don't. I simply want to move forward with my life and continue down my Path, SIN free. However, I looked at the homepage and you motherfuckers are killing me.
Okay, there is some air to clear. Zach is lying through his motherfucking teeth. I did NOT cuss him out via pm and I have the screnshots to prove it.
Now this is the first conversation in pm that we had. Note the date. This conversation is occurring on Spetember 6, 2013. See me and Zach had a huge dust up right before his dust up with JK. Now why does this matter? Because I simply stated my opinion, he blew up and called me names. I apologized to him to let the dust settle and let SIN move forward. I knew if it continued I would have my head chopped off. I didn't want that.
Here is the second set:
Again, note the date. This second set of pms occurs immediately after my first suspension. Was I warned before my first suspension? No, I was simply suspended. Did I cuss him out? Fuck no, that's to easy. I told him not to big dog and make threats. Now I did blow up on the forums immediately after the last pm was sent and said FUCK YOU ZACH. I was then re-suspended. Now this asshole keeps claiming that everyone doesn't know the conversations that occurred. Now you do. If he had pms that made me look bad, he would fucking share them. He did in the JK incident.
What Zach has consistently failed to realize is that my issues with him were before JK's issues. I did swallow my pride and bend over like a bitch the first time, I didn't the second time. I honestly think he is suffering from a combination of delusions and paranoia at this point. I say that because he doesn't even remember suspending Dan, he tells everyone I cussed him out in pm and truckload over other shit that is flat out false. It's like his memory is going at this point.
Another example of this outright lying is when he tells people I was axed from his Admin team. I was never an Admin. I was a Moderator and the Moderator position was removed at SIN. Two Moderators were moved to Admin (Cassie and Sammie). The rest of us were simply cut due to 'to many complaints.' Were most of those complaints about me? Yep, but again I was never warned to calm down or back off (I was told once not to be a Morgan but that was literally months before he axed Mods).
Now, on to the part that may surprise people. I don't want to be reinstated. I see how this would go and let me give you an example:
(I am un-suspended) Fuck you Zach, little whiny dog my ass. That's why you axed me instead of addressing a single point I made. man fuck you.
(I am un-suspended) Seriously, Zach you are not David Lee Roth and people that post here are the band members behind you. You are the owner of the fucking club that the band plays in. Nothing more. You are insignificant in the grand scheme of things, all you provide is the venue.
You get the idea? This would go on in perpetuity until I either 1. deleted my account or 2. Zach kept me suspended. So, it's over and done. The relationship I had with Zach is over and I am fine with that. I don't agree with the general direction that SIN is now headed and I would be vocal as Hell about it. It's bullshit.
I remember when Zach used to say that his Admin could suspend him if he got out of line. This was even tested at one point. He could still post, his physical page just said 'this User is suspended' when you clicked on it. I remember when he made Beast the manager because he said he was to hot headed to handle the decision making shit at SIN. I remember him taking a consensus in the forums consistently and LISTENING to it. If people felt he was out of line he would back up, examine the situation and change his behavior. I remember when Zach would post things thanking people for contributing and told everyone that their contribution mattered.
It's not that way now. He has declared himself The Supreme Dictator of SIN and that shit needs to be called the fuck out. I would have expected the call outs that have occurred to be a wake up call to the guy. It certainly used to be a wake up call when people did that. He's changed, he's now saying things like he built SIN single handedly. Again, horseshit his Users built that site. He doesn't contribute in any meaningful way in the forums, he never has.
I was at home on the site where the site owner was willing to admit wrongdoing, I was at home at the site where the site owner wanted his Admin team to have the ability to axe him. I am not at home at this current site. I feel like I am logging into a place that was a shell of its former glory. A place where mediocrity is valued over stratification.
I knew that I was talking shit to a motherfucking asshole drunk on alcohol, power, fame and the influence of undesirables who are using him to gain fame for their bullshit organization. I also knew he possessed a ban hammer. It's the reason for the apology the first time around. So I own my role in it. I deserve the ban and I don't want to be reinstated. I need people there to quit acting like I am a martyr. I am not. I am someone who shit talked someone with a ban hammer and payed a price for it. It's simple, let it fall off of the front page and die already.
I wouldn't come back to what I largely see as a cesspool of mediocrity with a Supreme Dictator running all. There are some quality posters there but they post elsewhere so I can catch their work. I would also like to add one more thing, I thoroughly enjoyed my time at SIN while I was there. Some of my associations shaped me, changed my Worldview, made me think, made me mad, made me laugh, made me cry. I have made some true friends there as well. I have also been really surprised at the people who stood up and said it was bullshit that I was axed. It makes me proud to of associated with y'all.
However, it is time for me to move forward. To do something different. To test out some new shark infested waters and see how the experience goes. The front page of that site say 'Adapt or be crushed under the wheels of Satanic (in my opinion take that word out) progress. The wheel turned, I didn't adapt and I got crushed. So what, in the grand scheme of things I am still here, I am still writing and SIN goes on.
"Crushed" ??? Hardly. What is going on there is not progress but a shame. I hope you the best on your new journey FS you are among a few that made the "wheel" turn at SIN. I too have wandered away from the site for I felt my absence, for what it is worth, was my only vote I had for Zach has repeatedly said "if you do not like it leave", so I left.
ReplyDeleteI leave without any anger or hurt just know it is time to move on for there once was a time when Zach stood for things IE: No organizations, no grand poobahs or high priests but behold those things are what he is after and the psychic vampires are there to use his "popularity" to grow their own kingdom.
I hope the best for Zach and others but as it stands SIN is a shell of itself. Anyway, Peace to you and yours FS :)
Yeah, it's a shell of its former glory but at the end of it all, that's is the choice Zach has made. Now he has to live with it.
ReplyDeleteThis new de-evolving into a dictatorship has been going on for months. I do view it as an adaptation of sorts and I was crushed under it. I won't conform to that.
The fact that they lost you is a shame man.
Shame?- Nah...I think Zach got one thing right he said to Sammie and I quote:
Delete"And who are all these people? King and FS got booted. Beastxeno stepped down. Tim was here for less than a week after a 6 month sabbatical"...Although it was 8 months and I was back for 2 week but who is really keeping track, the part about me is correct I am a little slow on the intellectual side and I understand that but the real shame is how you and JK were treated the way Beast was treated and how the administration team was shown how much he does not care.
But you know, even if I could push a button and delete the SIN site I would not for there are a good number of great people on there that love to engage in chat, I left for the lack of integrity an honor shown by Zach and his dealings with his "friends."
You left for the right reasons. I read some of what you wrote in response before you walked away and you made some great points. MJ has this on his profile at SIN and it fits what's going on , "You can't reason with the unreasonable."
DeleteI just wish he would see it. When he lists who is okay with everything he's doing, I'm thinking who is that? That's not a core SIN person.
You have never been slow on the intellectual side. The fact that you have a brain is why you lasted as long as you did. You have always brought something to the table in regards to intelligence. Man, those guys intimidated me some of the time as well.
I wouldn't delete SIN either and I don't regret joining or why I got booted. I really enjoyed the experience. And I met awesome people like you. :)
SIN is the suck, and Zach has lost it (or never had it). If you're in contact with that drunk Jason King, why don't you ask him to create a site? At least he has some intelligence and inspiration.
ReplyDeleteI am going to postulate a theory as to the degeneration of SIN...and it has to do with Zach posting and moving his "Critical thinking and the Use of Logic - Intro to the Sect of the horned god book"....sometimes before one goes trekking for greener pastures, they have to burn their own house down.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, your presence on SIN will be missed and best regards
Yeah, but that's like burning down your own house to move into someone else's basement.
DeleteAnd thanks Anonymous person. :)
I'd like to wish you the best of luck on your path FemaleSatan, and I mean that sincerely. You seem to be keeping it real.
I always said that situation left a bad taste in my mouth. I took a break from SIN for a couple of months to focus a little bit more time on reading, mostly due to intense encounters with you, JK and DD on the forums. I'll admit that a lot of times you folks really pissed me off, but after further introspection that particular ire was akin to being mad at someone for proving them wrong. My point, however, is that even through my childish hissyfits I was able to, in most cases, compose myself and try again, rather than directly bitch at someone (aside from DD, but we made our peace). In fact, it was only through these intellectual ass-whoopings that I found the motivation to try just a LITTLE bit harder, and take the time to read more stuff. For that, I thank you et. al for everything you have done. Sure, it was a pain in the ass (I'm sure you can even acknowledge that from time to time), but in the end it was all worthwhile. Just like the person above me stated, you keep it real, and in the end, that is what really matters. Good luck to you, and I'll see you at the Circle.