Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Order of Mindfucking Assholes...

There is a document, so evil, so sinister, so diabolical, it should never be read. Not by people that have any ounce of irrationality, a little bit of craziness, or delusions of granduer. It is the Order of Mindfucking Assholes Manifesto. They are a group known as the OMA. I know all about this manifesto for one reason, I survived reading the manifesto and lived to talk about it .....

Clearly a group of evil criminals that have real life meetings, where they drink blood and drink naked under the moon. It is even said that they kill others that cross them in a process called combing.

If you read the Manifesto beware. You may find yourself becoming a Nazi or White Supremist. You may start seeing visions of Aliens and Cthulu wherever you go. You may decide there is a mass global conspiracy that you need to stop through terrorist activities. It just depends. On where the very large Mind cock contained inside the OMA manifesto hits when it fucks your brain.

The neneplex they use is really an infection. Of insidious ideas and thoughts that makes you turn into a demon. You will then think like a demon, walk like a demon and talk like a demon. You may develop psychic powers. The drawback to this is an utter lack of intelligent thought. You may find other victims on the internet. Be nice to them. They can't help the soreness that is the result of the mindfuck.

I survived the reading of the OMA Manifesto. If you do as well, you will find out the same thing I did. That you are a mind fucking asshole as well, also known as a Satanist. ;)

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