In life, when conflict occurs, a person has two choices. Fight or flight.
As a woman, my first instinct is to flee. Especially if I am in a conflict with a male. I even catch myself having thoughts like, be careful he could pop your head like a grape, did you see his arms? He could bash your face in and not think twice about it.
But I can't shut up. Never have been able to. For some reason that split second of fear makes me start running my mouth. I have the life experience of being with an abusive boyfriend and I took more beatings because of this inability to just be quiet, even if my life is at risk, even if I know what's coming. It's who I am, rather it's stupid or not. Rather it causes me physical pain or not.
Whenever, I find an innate personality characteristic my first instinct is to call bullshit on it. This normally leads to failed attempts to correct, alter or change this behavior. Like my failed New Years Resolution to "quit popping off at the mouth so much."
Between internet comments that I should "not give a damn", to my husband saying, "look if you would quit jumping into attack mode all the time, we could communicate effectively", I thought this was a correctable character defect.
However, by day ten, I was back to form on this one. Wound up calling my best friend and she said something that stuck out. She said, "I have known you since you were 13 and you have always been a loud mouthed, opinionated, dramatic bitch. Ever think that's just who you are?"
As we continued to talk, I realized she was right (people reading this don't need to know all that ancient history) . She also said that I make being a bitch an art.
This made me realize that fighting instinct I have, rather childish, stupid, immature or whatever to others, is not going anywhere. I also realized it's only a character defect if I think it is. While I could choose my battles more carefully, I ain't gonna stop arguing, disagreeing, or expressing how I feel, way to loudly at times.
Just because others don't like what you do, doesn't make them right. Just because they call you names, insult you, claim you're a host of things, doesn't mean it's not some innate "youness" shining through.
So I won't wind up being some non confrontational Zen Master type, having overcome all instinct and emotion. So I won't wind up just walking away if I feel called out by someone. That's okay.
I just found another itty bitty piece of me, the real me, not who I was conditioned to be. That's worth a failed New Years Resolution. That's worth the horror of the online lookey loos.
I am a loud mouthed, opinionated, dramatic bitch.
What you do is an art and so you are a artist. I don't think your a loud mouthed, opinionated, dramatic bitch. I think your just honest to people that don't like to hear the truth and critiques don't have to be nice.Criticism helps us grow. You stay true to yourself and be good to yourself before you are good to others.
I think your awesome FS