Sunday, January 8, 2012

12 Ways To Be A FemaleSatan

1. Always get pissy when you or other women get treated like the little woman in a subculture dominated by Mysogynists.

2. Cuss like a sailor but fail to understand why there are accusations you have no class.

3. Have no issue with being told you're a cunt, bitch, whore or slut but get pissed you got called doll.

4. Flirt with all the men in the Satanic subculture but get pissed someone called you a fangirl.

5. Show your breasts in chat but then want to be viewed as an intellectual.

6. Call out other women for their sexy  pictures, while the pics on your profile were some of the sluttiest at SIN.

7. Tell everyone you are going to birth the Antichrist with Zach Black the owner and than answer whut? to a pm asking you how long you've been fucking him.

8. Be as argumentative as possible but then say you hate e-drama.

9. Write long, wordsoupy, cliched  blogs about Satanism.

10. Call yourself the Britney Spears of Satanism.

11. Call out people for being stalkerish losers just looking for attention (whether positive or negative)  then stalk them  yourself all  over SIN giving them plenty of that attention. (Credit :Meq)

12. Become an Ooze cohost simply for uploading pictures of your ass for Beast and having a vagina.

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