Friday, November 9, 2012

Political Rant #154738231

So an election has come to a close, Obama has won and all of America is holding hands... oops I mean more divided than EVER.

Whole thing makes me sick to my stomach on both ends, watching both parties. Funny thing people who voted for Obama, you are celebrating another person's victory, you are celebrating another person's success and claiming it as your own. Republicans, same thing to you, you are mourning another man's loss, another man's defeat. The only people that should be celebrating or whining are Obama and Romney.

Does the whole political machine effect me? Fuck yeah. Does the fact that Obama won a second term primarily by using white guilt and handouts to get votes piss me the Hell off? Yep. Am I worried about the future of my country now? You bet your ass I am.


Nobody is addressing the real issues America faces. Nobody is the fix or the solution to the problems America faces. I heard a talk radio host say that if Romney had been elected America would have fell of the financial cliff in 5 to 8 years with Obama he gives it 2 to 4. Yeah pretty much.

Nobody wants to talk about shit like the Federal Reserve. Nobody wants to admit a single truth and one that defines a large part of my political stance, I didn't wake up in a country that even remotely resembles the shit that was laid out in the Constitution. I wasn't born into a Country that remotely resemble the blueprint the Founding Fathers gave. I highly doubt I ever will.

They use these words to beat you into submission. Freedom, Liberty, Justice, Hope and Change. Freedom is not handed out by ANY Government, it's fought for and it's Individual. That one word pisses me the Hell off as most people use it. It's been redefined to mean, "Freedom as long as the other person agrees with me, and tows the line the Government has given them."

Fuck that. Fuck you if you buy into the idea that the USA has done anything other than steal your freedoms from you at a wholesale level. Fuck you if you think all would of been better if Romney had been elected. Fuck you if you think Obama is some kind of fucking savior.

It's a goddamn shell game, a method of distraction so you don't see the simple truth: you don't live in a country even remotely resembling what the constitution laid out. What happened to States Rights? I should be able to say, "Fuck these pansy ass liberals" and move somewhere that is inline with what I believe, what I feel my own community should be like. Why, beyond the Constitution does a Federal Contract exist in the first place? Do you even ask yourself questions like this? I do.

Did I vote? Hell yeah I don't want my Great Grandmother to haunt my ass. ;) She lived through women getting the right to vote and had a real fear that is women didn't vote, the Government would take that right away. So... I vote for that reason alone. I do think that what happens on a local level matters more than who sits on the fucking throne, oops I mean who is 'elected' President.

I do love MY country. I don't love the fucking bullshit nanny state I was born into. When I read the Constitution, letters that the Founding Fathers have written, etc I want to live THERE. THAT Country sounds cool as fuck. It would be kinda like organized social anarchy. But this shit that America is right now, don't make me fucking laugh.

All of you are joke and make me ashamed to be an American. You tow the line but don't try to break it. You want Freedom but only as your politicians say you should have. You don't fight for those three little words that are the very essence of what this country is supposed to represent, Freedom, Liberty and Justice.

If your vote counts why does the fucking Electoral College exist to begin with? The Electoral College effectively takes out ANY chance a third party candidate has of making it into office. You just voted in another puppet and think you exercised a Freedom.



  1. Aside from the laungage *wink-wink* My thoughts exactly(OK so i might have used a few choice words this election) but anyway, I voted 3rd party myself and then sat back and watched with no real reason to believe my candidate would win and it gave me a chance to watch the election and how it works.

    I have come to the conclusion that my vote does not count(at all) people are still standing in line to vote while the President (RE) elect is giving his acceptance speach(???)
    Neither of these candidates are worth there wight in poop IMO and this country is in big trouble.

    Nice blog FS and I still miss you on SIN :)

  2. I agree on a grand scale with Tim. Simply put, the voting the process in this country means shit. Your vote for Romney? Shit. My vote for Obama? Shit.

    I must admit though, that I DID celebrate that Romney lost. Especially at the wide gap between the two. Made me happier than hell knowing that I don't have to worry about Romney sticking his head into my life. Sure Obama isn't going to fix much but at the same time, I hold the belief that no president in the near future is going to do anything for this country. If you think they will or thought Romney was a solution to the problem, you are absolutely wrong.

    When I heard you were voting for Romney, it sickened me because of the fact that I truly wondered what was it about him that you agreed upon. Was it his barely there plan to mend the debt or the fact that he wanted to waste money elsewhere by putting elected officials barring gay marriage? I really want to understand the Romney voter of this election. Especially one that claims to be a Satanist.

    Furthermore, you state that these people are celebrating/mourning another man's loss/victory and yet it seems to me here that you are also possessing that lose in a very real manner. This is, at least, what I am getting from this blog.

    @Tim - This country has been in big trouble for a LONG time. There is nothing Obama nor Romney could ever do to fix the damage done to this country's reputation. I keep my stance on the next generation of kids trying their hands out at this fixing business because they are sure as hell a lot smarter than any of us.
