Since society has become Patriarchial, women and the Feminine Archetypes have been infected. Distorted by what society, the status quo wanted women to be. This distortion, this misapprehension still exists today.
It's what I and other women like me have to fight against. Most women simply continue to perpetuate these archetypes. They never concept their own nature, so they conform to those boxes. The mother who does it all, throws away her sexuality in favor of a full time job, soccer practice and making a house to rival Martha Stewart. A career woman denies her natural instinct to reprouce for spreadsheets. It's everywhere and these Magian ideals are spread to the next generation of girls. Women are the biggest enemy of true Freedom, of Empathic understanding of the Femiinine.
I do not know a single woman in real life that takes self defense seriously. That views the knowledge of how to defend and protect herself and her own young as important. I have sacrificed being thin and hot in favor of this ideal. My arms now have definition, but have horribly ugly feet with callouses and blisters. My hands have blisters and callouses. I have bruises, cuts, scars, etc. I feel MORE beautiful now. Like I am finally hitting close to what Motherhood should be, like I am closer to the True (Sinister) Feminine.
I call it the True Feminine for a reason. They don't get to tell me what Motherhood is. There is something raw, dark, visceral, and evil to womankind. Misunderstood by most, misappopriated continuously. According to Judeo Christian memes women are not only the root of all Evil, but no better than chattel. I think it's due to something unspoken: Women perpetuate culture. They mold and shape the next generation minds. To control woman is to control the minds of the youth.
Fuck you're Magian ideals, you're interpretations of Femininity. I seek what lies beneath, the inner power that can never truly be oppressed.
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