Now, I want to do this post for several reasons. The first one is a basic failure to understand what the hell, Satanic Bible most people are reading. The second reason is due to a conversation I had recently. The third reason is well, the ONA and the reasons I am NOW looking into that (and the basic fact that I get the sinking feeling I got the base ideas behind ONA from LaVey in an odd way). Okay, here goes.....
When I read Anton LaVey, I got a different message then the one I see tossed around so much by LaVeyans, to the extent that I figured everybody else is mostly wrong, and I am right. It happens, average people seem to fail to correctly input information.
1. The Carnal and the Spiritual are the same. I took this to mean "the body is a temple, housing a God, you." So, to me that meant, eat well, take care of yourself, get in good physical shape. Your body houses you and should be in accordance with your mental state. It is a direct reflection of that mental state. So, do what you can to be better, become as close to physical perfection as possible. That idea is why I lost 80 lbs and started exercising regularly.
2. A woman should be a woman, not a posing as a man. That was powerful to me. I should be empowered as a woman, acknowledge my femininity. Fully embrace that aspect of myself.
3. That Satanist are a type of person. Really neither a philosophy or a religion, I thought Anton described a person that is an abberation of sorts, a person who naturally resists society as a whole and opposes the nature of society in general. They represent the OPPOSITE of that ideal, always have. Next is why....
4. The idea sprang in my head upon reading Satanic literature that God really represents society and it's ideals. That's why God is the "enemy" of the Satan. Satan represents "not societal" or natural. The way things are naturally, not how people think they should be.
5. That other Satanists (true, phenotype ones) are my family. That I should not only respect them, but a genuine feeling of family would develop when I encountered them. Like Satanists were a long lost family spread out all over the world and the TSB was designed to bring them back together, to help them find each other. I always saw it in my head like little pinpricks of light, spread throughout the world. That honor, loyalty, and respect would be a natural side effect of encountering them.
6. That ultimately, Satanists were supposed to infect and tear apart society as a whole. What I mean is, the job title was to destroy it, that is opposing it. That is had to be done, it was always the "Satanic" that did tear society apart and that I would eventually develop the desire to do so and the way to do so would appear.
7. Constant self improvement was the key to gnosis. I know a little New Agey, but that, it was a path. One that never ended, was full of strife, but that it would never stop. That a Satanist never really grows up and becomes static, but that they constantly evolve. That was the key. Never get static
8. That humor is necessary. LaVey was a bit of a trickster and I took that to heart. Have fun, laugh at yourself, be a little silly at times. That one of the differences between a Satanist and a non Satanist was taking oneself seriously.
9. That Satanists and humans in general have a little quirk. What I mean is, they are imaginative and logical. So, that the part of the brain that was responsible for dreams, etc, the subconscious if you will, needed stimulation. That by stimulating that part of the brain, you tapped into something else, something bigger. That by accessing that, you could change your view of the World. By changing your view on things, you could manifest a different reality. I always shorten this to "change your mind, change you reality."
10. That there is no DOGMA for a Satanist. I took this to mean, take what you like and throw away the rest. There is a "core" to the idea (the oppositional to society idea), but beyond that, do what you want. So I have, I threw away all of the rituals, the rules of the Earth, etc. they all seemed unnecessary. That when it came to the "religious" portion, you got to do what you wanted.
11. That Satanism was a lifestyle. One of constant self improvement, resistance to society in general and that it would be natural and understood by the ones that were actually Satanists.
12. That a Satanist constantly studies, learns, and applies new concepts.
13. That Good and Evil, DO NOT EXIST. That those ideas were false and anything that made you keep those ideals, had to be cut out. That the end goal was to be ammoral.
My point is this, I never see these ideas talked about by the average Laveyan. There is a call to just read LaVey and that his Satanism is the only brand. The idea of tolerance and acceptance by society seems to permeate the whole "LaVeyan" school of thought, when I would assume it wouldn't, due to the nature of the Archetype of Satan. A lot of women that are LaVeyan are like little men running around. What did you read? Where did you get the idea that just reading TSB was the start and end of Satanism? Anyway, end of rant. :)
*I know not all LaVeyans are like the above description. Just ranting. :)
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Satan has spoken. Anton LaVey is master and the true Son of Satan. Let no others come before him. For he is the way the, the truth and the darkness.
The only Unholy Book is The Satanic Bible. Read no other writings. To read other books is to blaspheme against the Great Doktor LaVey. You must follow the Rules of The Earth and Satanic Statements to the letter. To fail to do so, will result in you experiencing the torture that is known as Heaven. All answers to life's questions lie in the pages of The Satanic Bible. Do not ask questions. LaVey had all answers.
You must pray to LaVey regularly. Satan cannot receive your prayers directly. End all prayers to The Dark Lord with: In Anton LaVey's name I pray. Unamen. If you fail to do this Satan will not receive your prayers and you will be considered Holy.
All blasphemers that refuse to accept Doktor LaVey as their prophet, shall be cast into heaven. Satan is only looking for the chosen few that accept LaVey as his son. When Satan and LaVey return to the Earth at the end of the great tribulation, all who denied LaVey will be judged.
You will never be as Unholy as LaVey. You must constantly strive to get close to his greatness. No man can be as connected to Satan as he was. Emulate LaVey and you may come as close as a mere mortal can to true unholiness.
Grand Mistress La Femme Satanas
The only Unholy Book is The Satanic Bible. Read no other writings. To read other books is to blaspheme against the Great Doktor LaVey. You must follow the Rules of The Earth and Satanic Statements to the letter. To fail to do so, will result in you experiencing the torture that is known as Heaven. All answers to life's questions lie in the pages of The Satanic Bible. Do not ask questions. LaVey had all answers.
You must pray to LaVey regularly. Satan cannot receive your prayers directly. End all prayers to The Dark Lord with: In Anton LaVey's name I pray. Unamen. If you fail to do this Satan will not receive your prayers and you will be considered Holy.
All blasphemers that refuse to accept Doktor LaVey as their prophet, shall be cast into heaven. Satan is only looking for the chosen few that accept LaVey as his son. When Satan and LaVey return to the Earth at the end of the great tribulation, all who denied LaVey will be judged.
You will never be as Unholy as LaVey. You must constantly strive to get close to his greatness. No man can be as connected to Satan as he was. Emulate LaVey and you may come as close as a mere mortal can to true unholiness.
Grand Mistress La Femme Satanas
Fighting Back
About five years ago I worked at a bar. I was closing up and the bouncer, the bartender, everybody else had left. I locked up, left the keys at the front desk (it was in a hotel), and started walking to a convenience store next door. Three men came from around the corner of the bar and started RUNNING after me. I ran into the bathroom at the gas station and locked the door.
They stood outside beating on the door, asking me to come out. I sat on the floor in the middle of the nastiest bathroom in history, crying hysterically. Dumped out my purse. I had NOTHING to defend myself with. My cell phone was dead. Not even a set of keys. I was trapped in that bathroom for hours. Crying, hoping and praying they would just leave. This was a two hour ordeal. Me trapped in a prison, with the big bad wolves outside. the only thing that stopped me from being hurt was the fact that I thought enough to lock myself in that bathroom. Eventually the attendant woke up from his nap (seriously) and called the cops. He could here me whimpering in the bathroom. I knew that I was LESS than those men outside that bathroom that night. I knew if it had come down to it, I would have easily wound up dead, raped, kidnapped, etc.
I bought pepper spray after the incident. A small thing but it was confidence in a bottle. Would I spray myself in the face if I had had to of used it? Probably. However, it made me able to go back to that bar and work. It gave me the confidence that I wasn't going to be a statistic. I was still terrified but I needed something, anything to give me the ability to not live in fear.
Then the truth hit me one day. As much as I desired equality to men, in my current physical state I was inferior. I was weak. Men are naturally stronger than women and physically superior to women. As an overweight, out of shape, mother of five, I was a slave. Locked into a "I can't get into shape mentality." So, I changed my mind. Then I changed my life. I started dieting and exercising. I lost 80 lbs. I got my concealed carry license. I am now working on building up muscle and in two weeks I am starting training for a Warrior Run in my local area in September. My ultimate goal is to be able to meet the ONA's physical fitness requirements (they seem doable, imo).
Why is this important, you may be asking? Simple. Fear vs. Self Confidence. It is a known statistical fact that a woman that doesn't APPEAR afraid is less likely to be a victim of a violent attack. It's one of the first axioms of any self defense class. Don't look down, look confident. People that want to commit a violent attack (rape, mugging, etc) are looking for a victim, someone who appears weak. Fear causes very specific body language and violent offenders can see it, smell it, and taste it.
To me, self confidence is in direct correlation with rather you can and would fight back if attacked. If you could actually take that fucker down if he came after you. Making yourself a predator as opposed to prey. If you KNOW you can defend yourself, it shows. Your body language and general attitude change.
Since Satanism is a Warrior Ethos largely and a path of self empowerment, your ability to defend yourself should be a cornerstone. It is to me. The physical should mirror the spiritual (can't find a better word). Otherwise it's mental masturbation, without true manifestation.
So let me ask you few questions, do you think Satan would hide in a bathroom crying or would Satan have been armed and capable of fighting back? If you are a Satan, what would you do in that situation? Are you mentally and physically prepared to fight back?
They stood outside beating on the door, asking me to come out. I sat on the floor in the middle of the nastiest bathroom in history, crying hysterically. Dumped out my purse. I had NOTHING to defend myself with. My cell phone was dead. Not even a set of keys. I was trapped in that bathroom for hours. Crying, hoping and praying they would just leave. This was a two hour ordeal. Me trapped in a prison, with the big bad wolves outside. the only thing that stopped me from being hurt was the fact that I thought enough to lock myself in that bathroom. Eventually the attendant woke up from his nap (seriously) and called the cops. He could here me whimpering in the bathroom. I knew that I was LESS than those men outside that bathroom that night. I knew if it had come down to it, I would have easily wound up dead, raped, kidnapped, etc.
I bought pepper spray after the incident. A small thing but it was confidence in a bottle. Would I spray myself in the face if I had had to of used it? Probably. However, it made me able to go back to that bar and work. It gave me the confidence that I wasn't going to be a statistic. I was still terrified but I needed something, anything to give me the ability to not live in fear.
Then the truth hit me one day. As much as I desired equality to men, in my current physical state I was inferior. I was weak. Men are naturally stronger than women and physically superior to women. As an overweight, out of shape, mother of five, I was a slave. Locked into a "I can't get into shape mentality." So, I changed my mind. Then I changed my life. I started dieting and exercising. I lost 80 lbs. I got my concealed carry license. I am now working on building up muscle and in two weeks I am starting training for a Warrior Run in my local area in September. My ultimate goal is to be able to meet the ONA's physical fitness requirements (they seem doable, imo).
Why is this important, you may be asking? Simple. Fear vs. Self Confidence. It is a known statistical fact that a woman that doesn't APPEAR afraid is less likely to be a victim of a violent attack. It's one of the first axioms of any self defense class. Don't look down, look confident. People that want to commit a violent attack (rape, mugging, etc) are looking for a victim, someone who appears weak. Fear causes very specific body language and violent offenders can see it, smell it, and taste it.
To me, self confidence is in direct correlation with rather you can and would fight back if attacked. If you could actually take that fucker down if he came after you. Making yourself a predator as opposed to prey. If you KNOW you can defend yourself, it shows. Your body language and general attitude change.
Since Satanism is a Warrior Ethos largely and a path of self empowerment, your ability to defend yourself should be a cornerstone. It is to me. The physical should mirror the spiritual (can't find a better word). Otherwise it's mental masturbation, without true manifestation.
So let me ask you few questions, do you think Satan would hide in a bathroom crying or would Satan have been armed and capable of fighting back? If you are a Satan, what would you do in that situation? Are you mentally and physically prepared to fight back?
The Order of Mindfucking Assholes...
There is a document, so evil, so sinister, so diabolical, it should never be read. Not by people that have any ounce of irrationality, a little bit of craziness, or delusions of granduer. It is the Order of Mindfucking Assholes Manifesto. They are a group known as the OMA. I know all about this manifesto for one reason, I survived reading the manifesto and lived to talk about it .....
Clearly a group of evil criminals that have real life meetings, where they drink blood and drink naked under the moon. It is even said that they kill others that cross them in a process called combing.
If you read the Manifesto beware. You may find yourself becoming a Nazi or White Supremist. You may start seeing visions of Aliens and Cthulu wherever you go. You may decide there is a mass global conspiracy that you need to stop through terrorist activities. It just depends. On where the very large Mind cock contained inside the OMA manifesto hits when it fucks your brain.
The neneplex they use is really an infection. Of insidious ideas and thoughts that makes you turn into a demon. You will then think like a demon, walk like a demon and talk like a demon. You may develop psychic powers. The drawback to this is an utter lack of intelligent thought. You may find other victims on the internet. Be nice to them. They can't help the soreness that is the result of the mindfuck.
I survived the reading of the OMA Manifesto. If you do as well, you will find out the same thing I did. That you are a mind fucking asshole as well, also known as a Satanist. ;)
Clearly a group of evil criminals that have real life meetings, where they drink blood and drink naked under the moon. It is even said that they kill others that cross them in a process called combing.
If you read the Manifesto beware. You may find yourself becoming a Nazi or White Supremist. You may start seeing visions of Aliens and Cthulu wherever you go. You may decide there is a mass global conspiracy that you need to stop through terrorist activities. It just depends. On where the very large Mind cock contained inside the OMA manifesto hits when it fucks your brain.
The neneplex they use is really an infection. Of insidious ideas and thoughts that makes you turn into a demon. You will then think like a demon, walk like a demon and talk like a demon. You may develop psychic powers. The drawback to this is an utter lack of intelligent thought. You may find other victims on the internet. Be nice to them. They can't help the soreness that is the result of the mindfuck.
I survived the reading of the OMA Manifesto. If you do as well, you will find out the same thing I did. That you are a mind fucking asshole as well, also known as a Satanist. ;)
I Am A Nation.....
s my friends say, "A Sister is worth an army." One female Niner aeonically is an entire nation. In the sense that she gives birth to daughters who give birth to daughters and so on. It is the mother that passes human language and human culture down to the next generation ((her children)). It is the mother that gives birth to the next generation of leaders and warriors. Shugz
I don't really consider myself a Niner (I'm looking into the ONA, atm), but they talk of the substance enough that I understand this means Satanist. I had a pretty big realization over reading this. It whispered to me the importance of motherhood and raising a new generation is.
I am in essence Immortal. I have passed down a genetic legacy that could potentially never end. Generation after generation moving forward and being better than the last. How I raise my kids, how I teach them, if I nurture the qualities of critical thinking, individuality, and resisting societies memetics is my main goal. It can literally change the world over time. Give it a hundred years, one thousand years, and I could help change the way humanity itself operates. It can bring down society in a more subversive and lasting way.
If I am self confident, strong, empowered, physically active, etc. I can by example alone create other women that are the same. I have to improve myself and be more than the other women in my family. A mother is a child's first God. No matter what happens, girls especially will pattern themselves after former generations in their family. By going back to school for example (a selfish goal), I have taught my daughters that education is the most important thing in the world. That it's never to late to improve yourself.
If other women resonate with what I say, and look into Satanism (if they are of the substance), I have created another nation. I have actually got 4 messages from women on SIN that have said something to that effect. "What you wrote, spoke to me so I read TSB, it feels like Anton Lavey is writing about me.", " I always thought I was my own God, after reading your blog I know why.", "Thanks for charting your journey, it lets me know that I'm on the right track." I created four nations potentially. That's the most powerful thing I can do.
I don't log on or participate in these sites for any reason other than selfish ones. I want to improve my own philosophical grounding, I enjoy it, it's fun, etc. While I was doing a completely selfish thing, I have haphazardly and without knowing done a larger thing. I have built a better nation, and I am making more. Just by doing what I want (need) to do.
I am a big fan of LaVey but I didn't have that realization from reading his work. The idea of aeonics, that by being a mother, I am literally creating a better humanity, if I do my job right. That my true power, lies in the fact that I have produced and am nurturing life. That is the best realization I have ever had.
I am a nation. I can build more nations by doing a selfish act.
I don't really consider myself a Niner (I'm looking into the ONA, atm), but they talk of the substance enough that I understand this means Satanist. I had a pretty big realization over reading this. It whispered to me the importance of motherhood and raising a new generation is.
I am in essence Immortal. I have passed down a genetic legacy that could potentially never end. Generation after generation moving forward and being better than the last. How I raise my kids, how I teach them, if I nurture the qualities of critical thinking, individuality, and resisting societies memetics is my main goal. It can literally change the world over time. Give it a hundred years, one thousand years, and I could help change the way humanity itself operates. It can bring down society in a more subversive and lasting way.
If I am self confident, strong, empowered, physically active, etc. I can by example alone create other women that are the same. I have to improve myself and be more than the other women in my family. A mother is a child's first God. No matter what happens, girls especially will pattern themselves after former generations in their family. By going back to school for example (a selfish goal), I have taught my daughters that education is the most important thing in the world. That it's never to late to improve yourself.
If other women resonate with what I say, and look into Satanism (if they are of the substance), I have created another nation. I have actually got 4 messages from women on SIN that have said something to that effect. "What you wrote, spoke to me so I read TSB, it feels like Anton Lavey is writing about me.", " I always thought I was my own God, after reading your blog I know why.", "Thanks for charting your journey, it lets me know that I'm on the right track." I created four nations potentially. That's the most powerful thing I can do.
I don't log on or participate in these sites for any reason other than selfish ones. I want to improve my own philosophical grounding, I enjoy it, it's fun, etc. While I was doing a completely selfish thing, I have haphazardly and without knowing done a larger thing. I have built a better nation, and I am making more. Just by doing what I want (need) to do.
I am a big fan of LaVey but I didn't have that realization from reading his work. The idea of aeonics, that by being a mother, I am literally creating a better humanity, if I do my job right. That my true power, lies in the fact that I have produced and am nurturing life. That is the best realization I have ever had.
I am a nation. I can build more nations by doing a selfish act.
I Am A Nation.....
s my friends say, "A Sister is worth an army." One female Niner aeonically is an entire nation. In the sense that she gives birth to daughters who give birth to daughters and so on. It is the mother that passes human language and human culture down to the next generation ((her children)). It is the mother that gives birth to the next generation of leaders and warriors. Shugz
I don't really consider myself a Niner (I'm looking into the ONA, atm), but they talk of the substance enough that I understand this means Satanist. I had a pretty big realization over reading this. It whispered to me the importance of motherhood and raising a new generation is.
I am in essence Immortal. I have passed down a genetic legacy that could potentially never end. Generation after generation moving forward and being better than the last. How I raise my kids, how I teach them, if I nurture the qualities of critical thinking, individuality, and resisting societies memetics is my main goal. It can literally change the world over time. Give it a hundred years, one thousand years, and I could help change the way humanity itself operates. It can bring down society in a more subversive and lasting way.
If I am self confident, strong, empowered, physically active, etc. I can by example alone create other women that are the same. I have to improve myself and be more than the other women in my family. A mother is a child's first God. No matter what happens, girls especially will pattern themselves after former generations in their family. By going back to school for example (a selfish goal), I have taught my daughters that education is the most important thing in the world. That it's never to late to improve yourself.
If other women resonate with what I say, and look into Satanism (if they are of the substance), I have created another nation. I have actually got 4 messages from women on SIN that have said something to that effect. "What you wrote, spoke to me so I read TSB, it feels like Anton Lavey is writing about me.", " I always thought I was my own God, after reading your blog I know why.", "Thanks for charting your journey, it lets me know that I'm on the right track." I created four nations potentially. That's the most powerful thing I can do.
I don't log on or participate in these sites for any reason other than selfish ones. I want to improve my own philosophical grounding, I enjoy it, it's fun, etc. While I was doing a completely selfish thing, I have haphazardly and without knowing done a larger thing. I have built a better nation, and I am making more. Just by doing what I want (need) to do.
I am a big fan of LaVey but I didn't have that realization from reading his work. The idea of aeonics, that by being a mother, I am literally creating a better humanity, if I do my job right. That my true power, lies in the fact that I have produced and am nurturing life. That is the best realization I have ever had.
I am a nation. I can build more nations by doing a selfish act.
I don't really consider myself a Niner (I'm looking into the ONA, atm), but they talk of the substance enough that I understand this means Satanist. I had a pretty big realization over reading this. It whispered to me the importance of motherhood and raising a new generation is.
I am in essence Immortal. I have passed down a genetic legacy that could potentially never end. Generation after generation moving forward and being better than the last. How I raise my kids, how I teach them, if I nurture the qualities of critical thinking, individuality, and resisting societies memetics is my main goal. It can literally change the world over time. Give it a hundred years, one thousand years, and I could help change the way humanity itself operates. It can bring down society in a more subversive and lasting way.
If I am self confident, strong, empowered, physically active, etc. I can by example alone create other women that are the same. I have to improve myself and be more than the other women in my family. A mother is a child's first God. No matter what happens, girls especially will pattern themselves after former generations in their family. By going back to school for example (a selfish goal), I have taught my daughters that education is the most important thing in the world. That it's never to late to improve yourself.
If other women resonate with what I say, and look into Satanism (if they are of the substance), I have created another nation. I have actually got 4 messages from women on SIN that have said something to that effect. "What you wrote, spoke to me so I read TSB, it feels like Anton Lavey is writing about me.", " I always thought I was my own God, after reading your blog I know why.", "Thanks for charting your journey, it lets me know that I'm on the right track." I created four nations potentially. That's the most powerful thing I can do.
I don't log on or participate in these sites for any reason other than selfish ones. I want to improve my own philosophical grounding, I enjoy it, it's fun, etc. While I was doing a completely selfish thing, I have haphazardly and without knowing done a larger thing. I have built a better nation, and I am making more. Just by doing what I want (need) to do.
I am a big fan of LaVey but I didn't have that realization from reading his work. The idea of aeonics, that by being a mother, I am literally creating a better humanity, if I do my job right. That my true power, lies in the fact that I have produced and am nurturing life. That is the best realization I have ever had.
I am a nation. I can build more nations by doing a selfish act.
One thing that I think is missed in Satanism is the power, the true power of Individuality combined with the concept of Godhood. What does that really say? What does it really whisper to an individual looking at this philosophy and applying it to daily life? I hear so many people say, "I am only one person, how can I make a difference?", "Nothing will ever change, it's not my job, to change it?" Wrong, wrong, wrong.
One is prime. The very concept of Godhood in a number (some would argue, zero, but that is still the first number, move on, this is actually deep). One creates, One is manifestation, One is action. You are ONE. One person, one God on Earth. Nothing is above you.
Think of the properties of God. Do you have children? You created life, you are the life bringer. God is supposed to have created the Earth and humans in his image. Crawl into that idea, really grasp it. You CAN change the World to how you envision it. Not just your own little Universe, ALL OF IT. You can make it in your image, through action.
Every action you do has a ripple effect. Like a rock thrown into a pond. ONE, you, influence and inspire whether you realize it or not. Doing, creating, and destroying are the fundamental properties of ONE and you are ONE, completely.
You are a part of a collective, and every action affects that collective. The most important question to ask yourself is which collective? One that just bitches and does nothing about the issues in the World or one that can and does fight back? A collective that subverts the system we live in, does not conform to its ideals? You can't think the World into being a better place. You have to DO, you have to fight back, you have to act. Without action, the whole idea of Satanism is a personal form of mental masturbation and a denial of your own individual power. You are ONE.
I can change the World, I will change the World. My cause, my reason is ONE, it's just me. I want to see better. It is all about ONE. However, ONE becomes more when they start to ACT. ONE inspires another and then there are TWO. TWO can become FOUR and so on.
One is prime. The very concept of Godhood in a number (some would argue, zero, but that is still the first number, move on, this is actually deep). One creates, One is manifestation, One is action. You are ONE. One person, one God on Earth. Nothing is above you.
Think of the properties of God. Do you have children? You created life, you are the life bringer. God is supposed to have created the Earth and humans in his image. Crawl into that idea, really grasp it. You CAN change the World to how you envision it. Not just your own little Universe, ALL OF IT. You can make it in your image, through action.
Every action you do has a ripple effect. Like a rock thrown into a pond. ONE, you, influence and inspire whether you realize it or not. Doing, creating, and destroying are the fundamental properties of ONE and you are ONE, completely.
You are a part of a collective, and every action affects that collective. The most important question to ask yourself is which collective? One that just bitches and does nothing about the issues in the World or one that can and does fight back? A collective that subverts the system we live in, does not conform to its ideals? You can't think the World into being a better place. You have to DO, you have to fight back, you have to act. Without action, the whole idea of Satanism is a personal form of mental masturbation and a denial of your own individual power. You are ONE.
I can change the World, I will change the World. My cause, my reason is ONE, it's just me. I want to see better. It is all about ONE. However, ONE becomes more when they start to ACT. ONE inspires another and then there are TWO. TWO can become FOUR and so on.
Refusal To Reason
There is always a reason someone, especially a Satanist has hit a major stumbling block. Most of the time for me, these stumbling blocks are a base personality characteristic, that is manifesting in an aborted manner. This is compounded with a refusal to reason. Every damn time. I do it, I will refuse, absolutely refuse in the most absolute way to look at my own behavior. To accept what I already know, if I wasn't turning a blind eye and refusing to change.
I will justify it. To the point of it being downright laughable. Like a two year old and throw a fit if necessary to make it stop. I will hate anybody who touches that soft spot. I will view them as the enemy. Why? Self examination is painful.
This is nothing like "breaking chains" (which is the common way, this has been described). Nothing at all. Breaking chains makes all of us sound like the Hulk using all of his strength and a ROAR!!!!, to get out of a jam.
No, it's like finding a small cyst in your leg, that aches a bit. So, you take out a rusty, slightly dull pocket knife and cut the son of a bitch out yourself. It's painful, there's bleeding. You may even want to stop due to the extreme nature of the pain. However, you keep going. Dealing with the blood, the pain, in order to remove this fucking cyst. This thing that just ached a bit. Then you sew it up, with a needle and thread. There is always a scar, they are visible to anyone who has done the same thing themselves.
These mental cysts are really cancerous. They cloud your mind and make you view the world in a distorted light. They will kill you, you are the walking dead until they are removed. More importantly, you can infect others, if you're not careful. It HAS to be done. Every damn time, to hell with any potential sickness, pain or consequences entailed. It's WORTH it.
At the end of the day, it always boils down to a refusal to reason. That simple and due to the nature of the human mind, that complicated and painful.
I will justify it. To the point of it being downright laughable. Like a two year old and throw a fit if necessary to make it stop. I will hate anybody who touches that soft spot. I will view them as the enemy. Why? Self examination is painful.
This is nothing like "breaking chains" (which is the common way, this has been described). Nothing at all. Breaking chains makes all of us sound like the Hulk using all of his strength and a ROAR!!!!, to get out of a jam.
No, it's like finding a small cyst in your leg, that aches a bit. So, you take out a rusty, slightly dull pocket knife and cut the son of a bitch out yourself. It's painful, there's bleeding. You may even want to stop due to the extreme nature of the pain. However, you keep going. Dealing with the blood, the pain, in order to remove this fucking cyst. This thing that just ached a bit. Then you sew it up, with a needle and thread. There is always a scar, they are visible to anyone who has done the same thing themselves.
These mental cysts are really cancerous. They cloud your mind and make you view the world in a distorted light. They will kill you, you are the walking dead until they are removed. More importantly, you can infect others, if you're not careful. It HAS to be done. Every damn time, to hell with any potential sickness, pain or consequences entailed. It's WORTH it.
At the end of the day, it always boils down to a refusal to reason. That simple and due to the nature of the human mind, that complicated and painful.
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