Saturday, November 26, 2011

For Mr. B or Revolutionary Rhetoric

Second response to Mr.B, focusing on him mentioning the ONA3.0 phenomenon at SIN. As always this is simply my take on things, others in the Kollective may disagree.

Revolutionary Rhetoric

Satan as an archetype (or in my case Master Idea, read my blog My Thoughts on Satan for more) has some very specific concepts involved. Evil. Opposition. Adversary. Accuser. Everyone knows what those are. Now, one that is being brought to light at places like SIN is Rebellion.

What is God as a Master Idea, in a secular society? The Government, the State. Law and Order. So.... what do the Adversaries of this God thang do at this point? Oppose the Religious God, one aspect of that Master Idea that has become an useless, dried husk? NO!! They continue to oppose God, the High God of this secular society, they begin to oppose, to rail against Society itself, and the. Government. It's laws, it's institutions, it's new status quo memes. Rather they are political correctness, Egalitarian values, the consumer culture each of us comes into contact with. These are the things that need to be burned down now, these are the sacred cows that need to be butchered.

You also have to look at the state of the economy, the populous, etc. Lots of people are pissed at how things are now. Anonymous and the Occupied Movement one example. The rise in membership in Extremist organization is on the rise. In the US, the economy sucks, we just got out of a housing crisis. Everyone is scared that it's going to come crashing down, most are just trying to ignore the shit going on. But the winds of destruction are in the air, and some people want to make it happen faster. This idea of Revolution, is in more than the Satanic community, it's everywhere.

Now, for me personally, my Praxis has a few base elements that have never changed. Burning off memes to get to my "core self " is a fundamental. Some memes can be read out, some a little critical thinking pulls out, some can be debated out. However, the most insidious memes, the ones with roots so deep, you think they are innate personality characteristics, have to be "done out ". In order to rid yourself of those requires more effort than most Satanists take.

So, some of the rhetoric 3.0 uses revolves around, making people ask themselves do they really oppose God in this society, by upholding it's laws, it's values? How are you transgressing to burn off memes?

For me personally, I just want to see the shit burn. I am utterly disgusted with most of humanity and just how apathetic they are. When I go in public places I feel like I am surrounded by a sea of zombies (wouldn't be so bad if this train of thought didn't give me nightmares) . I.want out. I am willing to do anything to achieve that goal of slipping off the map, so I can be more free than most.


Friday, November 25, 2011

For Mr.B or Forms, Essence, Etc

Reading around this morning I found somebody critiquing ONA3.0 and the ones who use SIN specifically. He referred to it as the ONA3.0 phenomenon. As with all things, I simply speak for myself and am offering my own perspective here. Others in the Kollective may disagree.
Form vs Essence

I understand the concept of form vs essence through my children. Each of them has the same DNA, the same genetic code but they are different. Different personalities, different looks, different intererests. They are being raised in the same way, by the same parents. However, are they the same? No, not at all. Those personality differences, their personality quirks, make them who they are.

Using children as an analogy, essence is the DNA they each have, form is their individual personalities, and their parenting and parents would be the ONA and the five core principles. This isn't hard to get, or difficult to understand.
The most important thing to remember is that language is an abstraction, it's the base of one's worldview. I can't tell you what essence is being described. You have to live it, manifest that acausal presence in your own life.

That essence is one that Satanism simply attempts to describe. Satanism is simply one form out there. Other forms work just as well, as long as they capture that essence.

P.S. This is only part one of a two part response.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Everyone wants to find others like them, people that feel like family. So, the hole in your heart from being unusual or different is filled, to find the missing piece of you. It's why we develop interpersonal relationships. It's why children are borne, friends are made. An inner pain that all humans have.

Much like any pain, that loneliness, that need to belong is the catalyst for growth, the reason any individual engages others. It's the form of pain that has produced all communities.,societies, and families. In order to stop feeling driftless, hopeless and lonely.

The cost of trying to squash that pain is influence. Others are let in to dull that pain, leading to emotional exposure, the opportunity exists to get hurt. You can be ousted by your group, disrespected by someone you are emotionally attached to. You're lover can decide you are unworthy. You're family may decide your lifestyle is abhorrent and unacceptable. Then what?

Answer :pain. Everyone can wax philosophical until the cows come home about "not giving a damn" but when it's your people on some level you DO care. You wonder what you could have done differently. You wonder if maybe they are right.

When I started practicing Satanism, I went all in.. I vowed that I wouldn't go halfway and be done with it. I vowed it would be the focus of my life and that I would live in accordance with it's principles. To never plateau or decide I am some know it all, pretentious asshat.

Mission accomplished so far. However, I am losing relationships left and right. My father won't speak to me because I am not LaVeyan and he thinks the ONA is to extreme. My mother and sister I cut out voluntarily but it hurts today and I can't give in, I can't call worthless dross people. My in laws think I am crazy for doing the things I've done recently. I have lost friends, quite a few for refusing to do what they want me to.

Should I feel pride for sticking to my path? Should I rail and rage against the injustice these people have done to me? Should I pretend it doesn't matter to me?

I don't have the emotional energy to pull it off. At this moment it just hurts. Good thing I embrace pain, it's when I know I'm alive and that I am going to learn. Anyway, fuck it. Happy Thanksgiving.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Church of Satan Dead?

Boyd Rice has declared the Church of Satin oops Satan dead. Huh? That institution died long ago . Now, as a former LaVeyan it made me think what killed that memeplex for me?

Simple, it died in 1975 when the TOS split occurred. The second that Satan became truly symbolic Modern Satanism started dying. The Satanic Panic just hurt it more.

Why did Atheism kill the Modern Satanism movement? Without a God construct there's nothing to oppose, no enemy to fight, nothing to live in defiance of, nothing to transgress against.
God as a construct still exists and most Atheists still worship God. As a symbol mythologically God is the personification of society, law, order, submission to a higher power. That never changes. In our secular society God is now the Magian memeplex. Holding back the true nature of man, but in new ways.

Political correctness, racial unity, being a law abiding citizen, Capitalism, Patriotism, these things are the Gods of today. An egalatarian mindset that permeates everything, even our thoughts.

The CoS never became oppositional to these new Gods. They bowed to the very master they claim to oppose. Modern Satanism became a joke, something that is blasphemous to the essence the word Satan attempts to describe.

Modern Satanists started to disgust me. How can you carry the name Satanist but be like everyone else. I started reading ONA stuff and realized they oppose these new Gods, they turn that opposition into a Praxis. I don't learn by reading, never have. If I read something I need to see something in my life that reflects it. So, this idea of learning by transgressing is ideal for me. I think the ONA has identified these new Gods due to the Theistic elements.

It makes someone want to be an incarnation of the Adversary, rather than a hollow shell of what Satan. There's a glamour, an evocative, inherently beautiful subtext to the concepts in the MSS that make one want to go DO, to manifest that acausal energy in the world.


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Revolutionary Thought

The whole 3.0 thing has got me thinking about (r)evolution in a lasting sustainable form. How does a group of individuals who see the rotten core of the status quo fight back? What's the best, most effective way to burn it down?

Movements like Anonymous are a great start but the system allows pressure valves within it. Satanism is one. Peaceful protests, extremist movements all allowed, even protected by that system. Why is that?

Simple, they don't really stop the system. They make the mundanes close ranks. When things do get violent the system uses that as a chance to show the majority it's needed For safety. This monster grows when opposed., gets larger. At this point they police every aspect of life. Mr. Dread once wrote "you're not free even in you're head. " I would add they give you the thoughts, all of us are programmed from birth. So, most conform. The few who don't are easily and quickly taken care of.

Beyond that, even if it fell away today, any new system would mimic the old one in time. It's what most of us have been taught is normal from birth.
So, what is a lasting fix? What changes this for the next generation? They hold the key. It's why I feel Long says the goal is Aeonic. If the next generation is more independent, less programmed, and their children less programmed than them, and that trend continues the cycle will break.

It's an issue that needs to be attacked at a cultural level as well. Alternatives to the magian lifestyle have to be developed. Parents that value their independence over comfort. People who develop and live in a tribal manner. Who follow the Sinister code of honor and make it a foundation for law on their own land. Who impart these things to a new generation by living that way.

The true, lasting sustainable destruction of this system lies with my children. and their peers. As I lead by example, show them their is a better way. Teach them to value family over things. My 8 year old said yesterday, "anybody can be my family if they are like you mommy. "

Friday, November 18, 2011

Experience Learning

So, I was sitting on the couch this morning hungover as fuck. Head pounding, stomach in knots,. I have heartburn from steak and shake, on top of it.

I start reassessing my night. Thinking about what I could have done differently. How can I avoid feeling this way again? Less alcohol? Yep. No more steak and shake, I never get heartburn and I eat some crazy shit. That place is on my permanent do not eat list.

As I'm running through this, I started thinking about an article I read in a parenting magazine about Experience Learning. Researchers did a study with toddlers. 1,000 parents participated. The parents let the kids in the kitchen while cooking and turn the oven on. Half the parents scolded their children in any attempts to touch the oven. The other group let the toddler touch the oven and when the toddler jerked their hand back said, "Hot, that's hot."

The results were interesting. The toddlers that had been scolded for trying to touch the oven, continued to attempt to touch the oven. The parents engaged in daily battles to stop their child from doing it. The group that had never touched the oven, did not understand the difference between cold and hot when tested. Guess how the other group faired?

After touching the oven once they never tried again. Parents reported the talkers in the group said hot when seeing the oven. Upon testing they knew the difference between cold and hot.

The researchers were calling for a return to experience learning. It was proven in this study children learn by doing.

Monday, November 14, 2011

What I Search For....

Since society has become Patriarchial, women and the Feminine Archetypes have been infected. Distorted by what society, the status quo wanted women to be. This distortion, this misapprehension still exists today.

It's what I and other women like me have to fight against. Most women simply continue to perpetuate these archetypes. They never concept their own nature, so they conform to those boxes. The mother who does it all, throws away her sexuality in favor of a full time job, soccer practice and making a house to rival Martha Stewart. A career woman denies her natural instinct to reprouce for spreadsheets. It's everywhere and these Magian ideals are spread to the next generation of girls. Women are the biggest enemy of true Freedom, of Empathic understanding of the Femiinine.

I do not know a single woman in real life that takes self defense seriously. That views the knowledge of how to defend and protect herself and her own young as important. I have sacrificed being thin and hot in favor of this ideal. My arms now have definition, but have horribly ugly feet with callouses and blisters. My hands have blisters and callouses. I have bruises, cuts, scars, etc. I feel MORE beautiful now. Like I am finally hitting close to what Motherhood should be, like I am closer to the True (Sinister) Feminine.

I call it the True Feminine for a reason. They don't get to tell me what Motherhood is. There is something raw, dark, visceral, and evil to womankind. Misunderstood by most, misappopriated continuously. According to Judeo Christian memes women are not only the root of all Evil, but no better than chattel. I think it's due to something unspoken: Women perpetuate culture. They mold and shape the next generation minds. To control woman is to control the minds of the youth.

Fuck you're Magian ideals, you're interpretations of Femininity. I seek what lies beneath, the inner power that can never truly be oppressed.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Is There Any Hope?

This question came from my mother in law while seeing my new apartment the first time. This was followed by her magian rant. About my children and how they are suffering for my decision to move and sell my house. She statted to cry and tell me ALL children deserve to be raised according to a certain standard (hers).

Now as she went on her tirade, I starting thinking, Am I crazy? To take them away from the prototypical American dream? To start making a true grab for independance of the system. I felt doubt of my path for the first time.

Than she finally left. I was sitting outside and thinking about it. I feelt like a poser in suburbia. Like I didn't belong. Plastic, false and I hated it. It was my dream, something idealized from a childhood of the opposite. I got what everyone wants and I never fit in, I never felt truly at home. Like at any moment they would realize I was a fraud, a charlatin. I didn't belong.

Here it's different. I grew up on these streets, I know this place. What used to be something different. I went to the same school my kids do. I am home and I am happy. There's hope. A first step to an end goal. To feed my kids the Magian dream is a form of child abuse, from my perspective.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Kollective Thinking

I am not an individual,

I am a member of the Kollective,

One who upholds personal responsibilty,

Antimonian and Transgressive acts above mundane pratter,

One who extends honor to her brethren,

The others presencing the Dark,

A manifestation of the Sinister Feminine,

One Dark presence among many, here for war on the Mundane,

Run for your lives, we are Legion, I am only one.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Morality Fallacy

There is a line of rhetoric running around Satanic forums lately, I just don't get. I call it the morality fallacy. Basically, instead of attacking a person's ideas they go after them for being morally inferior. A friend of mine was called a drug dealer. Another friend of mine was called a white collar fat cat. I have personally been called a whore, a Christian(the Satanic version of blasphemer), a yes man (because we're all Super Serial Individualists, lol), a racist, etc.

I just don't understand. Within a philosophy that advocates personal freedom and autonomy, the throwing off of society's shackles, ammorality and Individualism, why a moral attack is considered valid. Everytime I read these and realize it's a good indicater of who is us aand who is them.

Even if every acccusation written were true, what would it matter? Wouldn't that fall to personal choice? A woman who isa literal whore can't be a Satanist? I get if she's philosophically retarded, that's a different matter.

At some point this path leads to demonization by the status quo and thse attacks reflect that. The person throwing out the insult, based on Magian morality, is still bound to it. Someone that is )resencing the dark gets thrown into a box to be feared and thus dismissed. That fucktard than g#tts to ride of on their mental high horse and feel superior.

I don't do this much.I have to much of my own shit to worry about.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Being Taken Seriously....

"Remember, a smart witch may not be taken seriously at first, but later will be viwed with seriousness." Anton LaVey. This quote is my favorite by LaVey. It's a little piece of inspirsation that gets me through. See, I deal with this ALL the time. A sit down and shut up mentality a lot of people have. You're pretty, so you must be dumb. These memes can be manipulated to a woman's advantage.

Hell I do it all the time. I act a little dumber than I am. I will play to a man's baser instimcts. There is power in dismissal, power in being considered weaker on some level. Men like to have the power, why not let them? A woman has a different set of tools to use for social mnipulation. Most women hate the idea of using sexuality and stereotypes of women as a weapon.

If you have issues with that, ask yourself a question: Can you take the average man in a physical fight? Men are naturally, biologically made to be fighters. They are predisposed to being bigger, stronger and faster.

My detractors frequently call me a follower, a cheerleader, or rail about me having shown my tits in the past. I find thisrather amusing. Rather than hitting my ideas, they go for these societal based conception that pretty and sexual means stupid. Grow up dumbshits.