Tuesday, January 31, 2012


When you start reading Satanic literature, you find this concept pretty quickly. Rather it's LaVey saying Satanists are the highest embodiment of life, Might is Right, or Long and his citing the ONA as an elitist, subversive, occult organization.

But what does Elitism really mean?

The most common misunderstanding I see on the Satanic interwebz goes something like this : Satanists are born not made, thus Satanists were born elite and superior to all others.

No, not really. Born, made, created, whatever. If all you have to do is breathe to be elite, then everyone is equal. This whole line of thinking leads back to everyone being a Special Snowflake. This line of thinking leads back to not having to do anything to advance yourself, after all you were born special.

Now this is how I took the idea of Elitism and apply it. Strive, do, push yourself further than anyone else does. BE-come the highest embodiment of life on Earth.

Not some thing I was handed at birth. Rather a mission, a goal. That if I am doing anything, from cooking to sculpting my body, my aim is to be the best. My aim is to not stumble, fall, give up, or come in second. My goal is always mastery, knowing that I have put forth my maximum effort to gain maximum reward.

Simple right?

No. Unlike most, I never think job well done, you are finally a master of this or that. I can't find a single area of life where I feel my job is complete, where I can sit on my laurels and say, "Yes, I did it. Check this area off the list, I mastered it."

There's always more. Always. New things to attempt to do and fail at, until I succeed. New goals to set. New areas of ME that need work.

And that, to me, is what Elitism is all about. Striving for perfection, a goal that is unattainable. Never being satisfied, no matter how far I have come. Never quitting, even when a "normal" person would. Being the best, the highest embodiment of life on Earth through effort, through accomplishment.

A Satanist should be born with that fire, that tenacity, that stubbornness to not stop until they succeed. That kind of drive will make you obtain self sovereignity, will help you build a Worldview on your own terms.

And that is what makes a Satanist Elite. 

Friday, January 27, 2012

Aliens Among Us

"I have always felt different than everyone else. "

Everyone has heard this, said this or know someone who uses this as a reason for their subscribing to Satanism or some other bat shit crazy idealogy.

Ever meet someone who would say, yeah I am normal, one of the masses? No.

Why? Alienation, feeling different, special, unique, etc is part of the human condition. Psychological studies have been done on this and found everyone feels different. Awkward, like everyone else gets it right and they are the abnormal one.

So being abnormal, feeling different is well normal, typical and not a definition of uniqueness in it's own right. I think it stems from the days when humans were tribal creatures (still are but I digress) . Becoming isolated from the group meant death to  ancient ancestors. So that fear walks around, whispers to all of us from those times.

So what would make one actually different, abnormal, something alien to the "typical" human?

What they DO, not what they think. I see lots of people on the Satanic interwebz, try to tell others what a Satanic lifestyle should be. Beating their chests and saying this is what a Satanist does, this is how a Satanist lives.

It's bullshit, hypocrisy of the highest order. When it comes to being COUNTER Culture, the options are numerous. Living off your own land and providing all that your family needs, becoming nomadic, living in a commune, being a Swinger, a criminal, a sex worker, etc. All examples of a Counter Culture, fuck you I will do my own thing lifestyle.

Those options and actually living one, pursuing it, is what really flies in the face of what "they" say is acceptable. People who are dropping this lazy, apathetic, there's nothing I can do attitude that is the new Western lifestyle.

Those are the Aliens amongst us.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Blame Game

"Now that I'm a Satanist, who can I blame for my problems? "

You. :)

It's one of the funny things about humanity, our psychology, and those Three Selves that make up the sum of an individual. When something bad happens, when things get fucked up, we want to, we seek out someone to blame, a reason this thing occurred that protects our perception of who we are.

I firmly believe that our Idealized Self is best represented by the God and conception of God that runs around our own individual mindspace. So most have an idealized version of themselves that is perfect, but who isn't really "in charge." They have a God for that, a Creator.

So the end result is they're not to blame for anything that happens in their life. It's the economy that caused them to lose their job, it's women that fail to understand what a catch he is, their parents are the reason they're crazy.

And we live in a Blamer culture. Everything from the media to the Government plays this game. A subtle bastardization of the idea of cause and effect that strips away our inner power, the fact that all of us can be Self Sovereign, hidden and obscured.

So if you're a Satanist and you believe you're a God, your own Master, who did it? Whose to blame for the things in your life that are fucked up? You.

Now this idea sits in such an antithesis to the norm, few get it. And honestly, the self professed Satanists that are always eschewing that level of responsibility or view themselves as perfect, I don't view as Satanists. I don't feel they get the Day One lesson found in TSB and the Chapter The God You Save Could Be Yourself.

The whole point of that is well, save your fucking self. It's not society or someone else's job to step up for you, rescue you, defend you, or support you. You now take all the blame.

It's a rabbit hole realization that should bleed out and infect every aspect of your life. Your physical defense, financial stability, lifestyle, health,  romantic relationships, etc all on you now. Rather you succeed or fail, on you now.

And that includes strengthening the areas your deficient in, realizing you have those flaws and either fixing them or living with them. Not everything viewed as a flaw by contemporary society is a flaw , sometimes it's just who you are. That also has to be realistically assessed and evaluated.

And you have to realize you are to blame. The way you acted triggered the situation. Even if the other person is bat shit crazy and projecting their failures and inadequacies on you. You still did something, somewhere to cause that. Finding that way you are to blame, can help you identify the areas to work on, or give you a glimpse into another's psyche few things can.

So now that you know you are to blame, watcha gonna do about it?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Dark Arts

SinceI am in a discussion with an idiot about magic, psychism and the like I am writing this.

I have been a practicing "psychic" for 12 years. I do this either by working out of occult shops (mostly "freelance" ) or from my home with contacts I have gathered from working at those shops, or Pagan Gatherings, etc.

Now I will be braggy enough to say I am damn good at it. I know all the little tricks, tips and tools to get the information I need.

But... there's nothing Supernatural about it. I was taught how to read people, not cards. Every person I know who does this at all does the same.

Even if the person claims they are communicating with a "Spirit Guide" or some shit like that. They are actually reading body language and other non verbal cues. I picked up the idea of reading body language, pupil dilation, directing conversations to get more information, etc from books on Wicca, and from Wiccans I know personally.

See the reading of others is a lost art. Something few pursue, read up on or practice. It's labeled "manipulation" and manipulation is wrong in society as it currently stands. That's WHY it's occult (read hidden knowledge), that's why it's something LaVey bangs on in The Satanic Witch.

The truth that most deny is that almost all communication is manipulation. Little girls bat their eyes at their daddy to get the toy they want. Women flip their hair and smile. Men tough guy through body language and words. A constant barrage of information is thrown at our senses, all to get us to do what others want. By knowing what is really being done, understanding those nonverbal cues, can provide a resistance to that manipulation.

If you learn to read others and do it for any length of time, you start seeing the Undercurrent of communication. That Undercurrent is missed by most, but as I see it is the real driving force behind communication. Body language, voice changes, pupil dilation, etc tell the real story of how people really feel, what's really going on with them. If you can manipulate that Undercurrent within communication you can gain advantage in almost every situation. How does one learn to manipulate it? By knowing it's there for starters.

Most are to distracted to see those body language give aways. Oh he's into her, he smiles like a fool when she comes into a room, arms at the sides, his frame is open, he's leaning in towards her. Nah, she doesn't like him, she crosses her arms when he speaks to her, her frame is closed, she leans away from him slightly, doesn't want to make eye contact. Missed by most, they're to distracted to notice.

They believe words people say. As someone who is well versed in these nonverbal cues, I find almost anything someone says worthless. People lie. To themselves, to others. Words are used to save face, to hide facts, to distract from what a person's body is telling you.

Using my above example, if you ask goofy smiling guy if he likes that girl he'll say "Nah, she's okay. " Subject dropped, most people would believe him. If you can read people though, you see through that and know there's a collision coming. He's gonna get drunk and hit on her, she's gonna turn him down, he'll be asshurt, end of friendship. You see the probability manifesting before the situation heads there.

Knowing that probability factor leads to what the less initiated and superstitious view as Psychic ability. When anybody that was actually paying attention could have done the same thing.

And that was my main point in that discussion. "Psychism" is the knowledge of why people do what they do and reading them well, not accessing the Spirit Realm to obtain answers. Anybody can do it, no Super Special abilities required. ;)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I'm A Barbie Girl ...

*written as an email respose to a friend. *

In my family Barbie is on her third generation. My mother played with them, I played with them and now my daughter is an avid fan.

In spite of Feminists rants against the blonde icon, my Great Grandmother loved the thing. She bought them for my mother because she thought Barbie defied the you have to be a mother and a housewife ideas that were perpetuated.

See before Barbie the only dolls were baby dolls. My Great Grandmother hated the idea of giving her granddaughter a baby doll. She was a Feminist, she wanted more for her granddaughters.

Now when I was a kid Barbie was the bane of all Feminists. An icon of sluttiness. I remember my Mother ranting that a human woman couldn't walk with Barbie's proportions. I remember the "Math is hard " fiasco (there was a Barbie put out that said Math is hard, big drama) .

Due to this Feminist insanity at the time, my mother said no to Barbie. But my Great Grandmother was a different story. She bought me one for Christmas when I was six. She told me her view on Barbie.

See there's a "Career line " that they produce. Barbie has been a Doctor, a Lawyer, a Scientist, in every branch of the military, an astronaut, a School Teacher, worked at McDonald's, the list is endless.

I remember the rants, I remember the hot pink toy aisle. I remember my father giving in to my Great Grandmother, to me and my sister's joy.

I look at my daughters Barbies and I see the Feminists won. Her waist is larger, her feet are larger, her breasts are smaller, her face isn't as pretty.

However, girls have lost big time. Barbie has been replaced. By Bratz dolls, which don't have careers and dress sluttier than any Barbie I ever had. Or Goth Dolls. Or Monster High (they're the daughters of characters like Frankenstein. ).

Barbie has been ripped off, tossed aside and forgotten. The failure to see that Barbie was revolutionary. Her roots are in a sex doll. She was the first not a baby doll, doll. She was used by the company to promote a Feminist agenda, only to be cannibalized by them. The whole idea was to show that girls could be more than just Mothers.

The Feminists of today can rant and rave about the portrayal of women in the media all they want. All of us are forgetting something. We had CHOICE, while women before us didn't. We had ICONS showing us we could be more than our predecessors. We were blessed to live in the post feminist revolution era.

I am of the firm opinion that a recognition of icons like Barbie is necessary. Hasn't the time come to get the hidden message Barbie contained? That a woman can be sexual, even beautiful and have a career, a brain in her head. That there is nothing wrong with being feminine and a Feminist.

Barbie isn't the enemy, the media isn't the enemy, men aren't the enemy, we are. Tearing down each other for how we look, being catty, and continuing to perpetuate the very stereotypes we as women claim to hate or wish to defy.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Art Of Being A Bitch

In life, when conflict occurs, a person has two choices. Fight or flight.

As a woman, my first instinct is to flee. Especially if I am in a conflict with a male. I even catch myself having thoughts like, be careful he could pop your head like a grape, did you see his arms? He could bash your face in and not think twice about it.

But I can't shut up. Never have been able to. For some reason that split second of fear makes me start running my mouth. I have the life experience of being with an abusive boyfriend and I took more beatings because of this inability to just be quiet, even if my life is at risk, even if I know what's coming. It's who I am, rather it's stupid or not. Rather it causes me physical pain or not.

Whenever, I find an innate personality characteristic my first instinct is to call bullshit on it. This normally leads to failed attempts to correct, alter or change this behavior. Like my failed New Years Resolution to "quit popping off at the mouth so much."

Between internet comments that I should "not give a damn", to my husband saying, "look if you would quit jumping into attack mode all the time, we could communicate effectively", I thought this was a correctable character defect.

However, by day ten, I was back to form on this one. Wound up calling my best friend and she said something that stuck out. She said, "I have known  you since you were 13 and you have always been a loud mouthed, opinionated, dramatic bitch. Ever think that's just who you are?"

As we continued to talk, I realized she was right (people reading this don't need to know all that ancient history) . She also said that I make being a bitch an art.

This made me realize that fighting instinct I have, rather childish, stupid, immature or whatever to others, is not going anywhere. I also realized it's only a character defect if I think it is. While I could choose my battles more carefully, I ain't gonna stop arguing, disagreeing, or expressing how I feel, way to loudly at times.

Just because others don't like what you do, doesn't make them right. Just because they call you names, insult you, claim you're a host of things, doesn't mean it's not some innate "youness" shining through.

So I won't wind up being some non confrontational Zen Master type, having overcome all instinct and emotion. So I won't wind up just walking away if I feel called out by someone. That's okay.

I just found another itty bitty piece of me, the real me, not who I was conditioned to be. That's worth a failed New Years Resolution. That's worth the horror of the online lookey loos.

I am a loud mouthed, opinionated, dramatic bitch.


Sunday, January 8, 2012

12 Ways To Be A FemaleSatan

1. Always get pissy when you or other women get treated like the little woman in a subculture dominated by Mysogynists.

2. Cuss like a sailor but fail to understand why there are accusations you have no class.

3. Have no issue with being told you're a cunt, bitch, whore or slut but get pissed you got called doll.

4. Flirt with all the men in the Satanic subculture but get pissed someone called you a fangirl.

5. Show your breasts in chat but then want to be viewed as an intellectual.

6. Call out other women for their sexy  pictures, while the pics on your profile were some of the sluttiest at SIN.

7. Tell everyone you are going to birth the Antichrist with Zach Black the owner and than answer whut? to a pm asking you how long you've been fucking him.

8. Be as argumentative as possible but then say you hate e-drama.

9. Write long, wordsoupy, cliched  blogs about Satanism.

10. Call yourself the Britney Spears of Satanism.

11. Call out people for being stalkerish losers just looking for attention (whether positive or negative)  then stalk them  yourself all  over SIN giving them plenty of that attention. (Credit :Meq)

12. Become an Ooze cohost simply for uploading pictures of your ass for Beast and having a vagina.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Now the truth. As much as I love to shoot shit, I hate hunting. I hate getting up before the sun does. I hate the cold. I hate wearing deer piss as perfume. I hate wearing camo or orange anything. I hate cleaning any game whatsoever. It just sucks, on levels that few things that are a "hobby" or an "interest " do.

So why do it? If I hate it, why do it? Hunting is a BASIC survival skill. If you take away all the grocery stores, all the societal comforts we all enjoy, how are you going to eat? I'll tell you how, you are going to kill, clean and eat something.

Knowing how to survive on a most basic level is not something to discuss, debate or read about. It's a set of skills you go and do, Idealogy be damned. The more you do it, the better you get at it. Simple shit. The need to kill other things in order to live is a fundamental of reality. To know how to do that puts you in touch with that fundamental of reality.

My question when it comes to things like hunting is why is it being bred out of our culture? How has it become something that isn't common, normal, or in all circles societally acceptable? How does a fundamental need become something bought and sold?

I find things like this are the "why" with the system, it's how it keeps control of the Individual. That dependency most Westerners have for their most basic of needs. A dependency that is now common and universal and constantly perpetuated through this Consumerism oriented culture.

I think that dependency is one of the biggest psychological chains to overcome, rather in regards to Self Defense or Food. Learning how to handle those basic needs leads one to further psychological freedom. At least it does for me.

There is nothing like psychologically knowing you killed what you ate. There is nothing like knowing you can provide food for your family. That knowledge is personally empowering on a level that makes wearing deer piss acceptable.